Escaping - Elsa (Chapter 6)

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I couldn't believe it. How could this be? Hans, with fire powers! I was no match against him now. I paced back and forth around the cell trying to think of how I could stop things from getting worse. Or more importantly, how to get out of here.

My thoughts were interupted when my dungeon cell opened. Kai had Anna and Kristoff with him. He led them inside the cell, locking it back up on his way out. "Anna!" I cried in despair, "He got you too?"

She looked up at me, her face was all red. She must have been crying. "Ya," she sniffled. "He knocked out Kristoff and turned Kai against us." We sighed in unison. "So what's up with his fire powers?" she asked.

"I don't know, Anna. I really don't know." I shook my head. "It's one thing to be born with them, but drinking chemicals to give yourself a dangerous power, that's cruel."

We sat there in silence. I didn't know what to do. My body began trembling. Was Hans really going to win this time? Was he actually going to rule over my kingdom as the new king? No, he couldn't possibly win this time.

My stressful thoughts were stopped when the cell gates began to rattle. I looked up, worried that it was Hans.

"I could help you guys," the voice wispered. I moved closer to get a better look at who was speeking. It was Olaf.

"Olaf!" Anna yelled in relief.

I held my hand over her mouth to shush her. "Anna, we need to stay quiet." She nodded. "Olaf, how did you get down here?"

"I just walked down," he said clueless as to what was going on. I'm sure Hans didn't see him as a threat. Innocent little Olaf probably walked right passed him and came down here.

He giggled and pulled of his nose. He used it to meddle with the lock a little. Sure enough it opened up. Now all we had to do was get out of here without Hans noticing. I had an idea.

"Olaf," I began. "You need to be our distraction. Anna and I will help Kristoff out of here. What you need to do is go upstairs and distract Hans. He doesn't see you as a threat. If you persuade him into following you around and get him away from the dungeon's entrance, we'll get out of here with no problem. Can you do that, Olaf?"

"Sure, I'll give him a tour of the castle!" he said giggling as he began walking away.

"Olaf!" I yelled, getting his attention before he was out of sight. "Don't tell him what we're trying to do and don't bring him near the entrance." I reminded him. "Oh, and thanks for getting us out." I smiled slightly. He ran over and gave me a hug, then headed out.

 "Ok, Anna. Help me lift Kristoff." I gently placed my hands under his head and slowly began to lift his upper body. The cold touch of my hands woke him up immediately.

He shivered and opened his eyes. "W-what happened? Where are we?" he asked, half awake.

"After Hans knocked you out, Kai carried you down into the dungeon. We were locked up for a bit, but Olaf just came down and opened the gate for us. Now we need to quietly sneek out." Anna told him.

We slowly made our way up the steps. I checked the corridor to make sure the coast was clear. I decided we should leave one at the time to avoid making too much noise. I went first.

Once I crossed the hallway, I signaled for Kristoff to make his way over. He quietly tip toed across. Before we told Anna to walk over, we double checked the hallway one last time. Still no sight of Hans.

 We told her to start coming over. As she began walking across, we heard Olaf giggling. Oh no, he was nearby.

I saw him turn the corner and begin coming down the hallway. We made eye contact before Hans had come into the hallway. He was further behind Olaf in the other hall. I quickly gestured telling him to turn around. He abruptly made a U-turn and spun Hans around, dragging him into another hallway in the opposite direction.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's the rush little guy. I haven't seen this hallway yet." Hans said, his voice getting louder as he aproached the hallway. He still remaind slightly behind the corner not coming completely into the hall.

Anna froze. She was so scared. She didn't know what to do. We told her to cross completely to our side so she'd be out of sight, but she couldn't move.

Olaf tried pushing Hans the other way but he could tell something was wrong. Why would Olaf so suddenly force him to turn around? I saw him shoot his fire at poor Olaf. He wimpered in pain and stepped aside.

Hans ran around the corner and saw Anna, frozen in the middle of the hallway. "You! What are you doing out here!" He yelled at the sight of her. "That's why you wouldn't let me come this way, you stupid snow man!" he screamed. Kristoff and I stepped back. We didn't all want to get caught.

Anna began weeping. Tears streaming down her face. Hans walked towards her. She was so scared she still couldn't more. She let him come to her.

Hans approached her smoothly, wrapping and arm around her. He tilted her chin up to look her in the eyes, but she refused to look at him. "Well, this may not be so bad after all," he sneered. "You're coming with me. We shall be married in the morning."

He grabbed her by the arm and attempted to pull her away. She screamed and burst into tears, refusing to be dragged. I slowly began crying at the sight of my poor little sister being handled by that heartless creature. There had to be a way to get her out of this.

For now, Kristoff and I needed to stay out of sight. We were safe for now if we stayed hidden in this hall. I turned around to see if Kristoff was alright, he was probably taking this harder than I was. 

My heart shatterd. He was seated against the wall with his head in his hands, quietly sobbling. Poor guy. I kneeled over beside him and offered a consoling rub on the back. He looked up at me, teary eyed, and hugged me. "We'll get her out of this," I wispered. "We'll make things right."

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