The Ring - Elsa (Chapter 3)

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I was so excited that everyone now accepted my powers. Not only did I wander about the halls in the palace and make snowflakes, but I went outside every once in a while and made some ice sculputures. They really made the castle look prettier.

Now that Anna knows what I had been hiding from her all these year, doesn't mean I have to stop keeping her safe. Now I can use my powers to protect her even more, not hide in my room to keep her safe from me. In retrospect, I think it would have been better if she had known about my powers this whole time. We wouldn't have wasted all those years apart from eachother, and I would have kept her away from Hans. On the bright side, if it wasn't for me trying to conceal my powers, she never would have met Kristoff. I'm glad she did meet Kristoff, they're perfect for each other. I can tell he really loves her too.

Suddenly, someone started pounding on my door yelling, "ELSA, ELSA OPEN UP!" I leaped in fright, I wondered what was the matter. Was everything ok? I quckly ran to open up my door, it was Anna.

"Elsa, Elsa, you won't believe this!" she cheered, pulling my arm with excitement. I pulled her inside and had her sit on my bed so she calmed down a little.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

She beamed with wide eyes gazing at me for a long moment, as if I were suppost to guess what had happened. Then she yelled, "KRISTOFF SAID HE LOVED ME!"

"Awe, how sweet," I said, pulling her in for a hug. I was so happy for her. "Do you love him?"

She sighed with excitement, "Yes, of course I do! He's my everything," she told me with the biggest smile.

"And did you let him know how you felt?"

"Yes," she blushed. I grabbed her for another hug. My little sister was growing up fast. She'll be married before you know it. "I really do love him, Elsa."

-- A few months later --

I woke up to the sound of a light knocking at my door. "Elsa, are you awake?" the voice whispered.  It was Kristoff.

"Yes, I'm awake. Come on in." He opened the door and quietly came inside.

"Sorry to come by so early, but I need to show you something," he said, reaching for something in is pocket. It was a small box, one in which a person would put a ring. He opened it up. A beautiful diamond engagement ring lay inside.

I gasped. "Is that for Anna?"

He nodded. "I want her to marry me," he said, beginning to smile. "Will you bless our marrige?" he humbly asked.

"Of course I will!" I wailed my arms in the air and gave him the biggest hug. There was no man more suited to marry my sister than Kristoff was. "This is so exciting! My little sister is getting married, and  you're going to be my brother-in-law, the prince of Arendelle!" I exclaimed.

"I know the perfect place to ask her too," he said, raising his eyebrows. "I'm going to take her on a trip into the mountains. I'll take her back to the place we first met, 'Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna'. Then we'll make our way up to the north mountain. I'll stop at the place in which we met Olaf. It snowed last night, so it should look beautiful today with all the snow and ice, just like it did the first time we were there."

I smiled in awe. "That sounds romantic, I know she'll love that."

"I hope so," he blushed. "Well I better go get ready," he said excusing himself from my room.

I can't believe my baby sister is getting married. I'm so happy for the both of them. She'll love the ring he picked out. She'll especially love the place he picked for the proposal. It will bring back the memories from when they first started liking each other. It will be so romantic, I know she'll say yes. I better start preparing for the ceremony!

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