The Beginning of Eternity

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I can't believe it. It seems like the impossilbe has already happened. She's mine, she will always be mine. I love Autumn with all my heart.

"So what happened to that Jason guy?" Autumn asked as she pinned her hair up. "

Angelo beat the shit out of him and he said that the only reason he told those hunters about us was because his mate, her stupid ass,  got caught kiddnapping a mortal so he led them to Kylie and pinned the fault on her. Since he did break out agreement to look after one another and put us at risk, the next in line is a guy name Trevor,  chooses his fate. He did commit treason."

I sat down on the edge of her bed I was kind of nervous. Since the day in the layer I moved in with Autumn.

Now that she was mine, I won't let her go.  I never wanted to leavr her side. God I sound like an obsessed fangirl.

I stared at the royal purple walls that surrounded me. There were a few candles on the antique dresser  that lit the dark room.

It was the only light in here, given that the black curtains covered the window. Either way, it was gloomy and raining outside.

Ahhh, what a perfect day for a bloof ritual.  Yes blood ritual is what I said.Today, Autumn would become a vampire, my vampire that is.

Yes, I was extremely happy. I had everything ready. I had the ancient ritual knife that each vampire is given by their leader when they find their mate. And two small bottles, one to fill with my blood and give it to Autumn and vice versa.

Both bottles and knife had weird symbols that mean undying love. Anyway I looked over to the bathroom doorway and saw Autumn standing there.

She wore black and red lingerie that seriously made every though in my head disappear.

Luicfer, I would like to thank you for blessing me with this goddess.

"Ready?" I asked. She had a smirk on her face, that drives me insane, as she nodded.

With that I laid back in the middle of the bed, just wearing my boxers. I grabbed the knife and bottles from the  nightstand.

My heart was beating profusely more pure excitement.  I needed to calm my breathing down before I die from a hear attack.

Oh ya, like that was gonna happen.

Once I was calm, Autumn crawled onto the bed and on top of me. She straddle me at my waist.

Her eyes looked into mine and  with lust, desire and love filling them. With my free hand, I took Autumn by the her back of her neck, and brought her lips to mine.

Such passion and love filling our kiss as out lips moved in sync with each other's.

She parted her lips from mine  and resumed her recent position. 

The time was now.

I took a deep breath and brought it to my chest.  She took the small bottle from my hand and opened it.

With another deep breath I pressed the knife against my heart and made a big enough cut.

Blood poured from my wound as Autumn held the bottle near the blood and filled the tiny bottle.

Once there was enough,  she put the cork on it. She then brought her lips to the wound and licked the bloof from my chest.

I winced but not from pain, well just a little, but from pure ecstasy.

It seems like not too long ago, I couldn't feel anything at all. Just the numbness. Right now, I am feeling every emotion now.

I could feel the blood pour from the cut and into Autumn's sweet mouth. Before I knew it , Autumn sat up with blood staining her lips.

I could see the green in her eyes slowly turning into a blood red color. But she then closed her eyes, wincing in pain.

I could tell that it was pain from her fangs coming out. That shit hurts like hell.

After seeing her in unbearable pain for a few seconds, her eyes shot open. The green in her eyes were not blood red. Leaving no hint that the green was ever there.

She parted her lips to show a full row of fangs. Happily,  the red in her eyes  flushed out and the emerald green set back in.

Her fangs retracted back into her gums. I sat up in the bed.  She took the knife from my hands as I opened the empty bottle. With the tip of the knife,  she poked her finger tip.

I held the bottle to the dripping blood until it filled. Once there was enough,  I moved the bottle away and licked the remind blood off of her finger.

I closed the bottle and held it in my hand as she held hers in her hand.I took hers from her hand and placed both bottles on the nightstand. She smiled and kissed me as she placed her hands on my cheeks . I smiled into the kissed and mumbled out my words.

"I love you Autumn." I love you too Ryan." I held her closely to me and rolled her on her back. I pressed my body against hers.

I seriously can't believe I finally found my mate. My partner in crime, the only one I will ever love.

I won't let her go. She's a part of my crazy vampire family. Autumn's my vampire.

She's my love. Even though I do believe she deserves better, I know, no one will ever love her like I do.

She's mine, until the end of eternity.

Author's Note: It's over!! Awwwww I love this story. I completed my second book on Wattpad. I'm so proud of myself. Woo! Go me. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know I did. Now the winning book is...............A Wicked Game to Play (Ricky Horror)!!!!!!!!!! I have the first three chapters written.  I will put up the first chapter soon as well as updating I Won't Let Her Go (Ryan Sitkowski). And for the other books I will update them here and there but my main focus will be om completing A Wicked Game to Play and I Won't Let Her Go.  So yea thanks for reading!!! -HouseOfTerror <666

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