Tonight's The Night

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*Title inspired by the line in the show Dexter*

"Thank you all so fucking much for coming out today. Make some noise for our brother Angelo who is drumming for

us tonight! Bang your fucking heads this is Abigail!!" Chris screams and thw crowd did as he said.

Motionless In White just came on stage first playing Devil's Night, next America and we started playing Abigail.

It was exciting and a adrenaline rush came over me and I started to head bang as we.

The girls were standing backstage watching our set. They just arrived as well because they were getting ready for the party Asking Alexandria was doing for us.

But I didn't feel in the mood for a party but I had to push that thought back for now and focus and put all my energy in playing.

After playing Abigail we went on to play Ghost in the Mirror, Puppets 2 The Rain, If It's Dead We'll Kill It, Creatures, The Black Damask, and for our last song Immaculate Misconception.

Before we left the stage I decided to last to all the heartbeats in crowd. They were all beating faster then I ever imagined. I always do this and it never ceases to amaze me.

It's thrilling and exciting to know that people think so much of you and that you do this to a person by the power of music.

As we walked off stage everyone was greeted by their loved ones. Autumn came to me and hugged me tight and I returned the hug.

Autumn was wearing a dark blood red dress that hugged her curves tightly. She had a pair of black heels and she just looked ravishing.

She had a dark red lipstick and black heavy eyeshadow. I kissed her cheek and she giggled.

"You guys were amazing!" Autumn said. "Yea the crowd was going insane as soon as you guys stepped out," Jessica said.

"Well that's what we do," Balz said with his arm wrapped around Ryan's waist.

We all stepped from backstage to the green room where it was a little less crowded but given that it was 11 of us in all it was a little stuffy.

"'Ello all you fuckers," Ben Bruce, from Asking Alexandria, said as he came into the green room.

"Are you ready for the party tonight?" he asked. "Fuck yea," Balz said. "Well alright then, you guys know where it's gonna be at and the last band is just finishing up there set so that well give the lads enough time to get pretty. Prepare yourself it's going to be a wild one," he warned before he disappeared behind the door.

All the guys decided that we were going to head back to the hotel to get ready while the girls would stay here.

I kissed Autumn on the cheek before we left to go back to the hotel room.

~Time Lapse~

We were all ready for the party,  which was full swing by now according to the girls who were already there.

We gathered in the lobbh before we walked to the venue were the party was at.

It was a good chance to talk to the guys about something important. Given that I talked to Autumn about the topic of vampires I thought that it was only fair to tell her the truth about who I really am.

That way I can slowly push on the topic that she's my mate and that I have to drink her blood. No pressure or anything.

I guess I felt guilty that I wasn't telling her the exact truth on who I am. And if this relationship is going to work how I want it to work she needs to know the truth. Underline needs.

And that is what I told Chris. It wasn't too crowded as we made our back to the venue but we still didn't use the words like vampires or anything related to that.

"Well Ryan it is up to you to tell her the truth. I'm telling you to be careful when you do. Just because we had a conversation on the subject doesn't mean she will take it easy. When you tell her make 100% sure that no one is around. Not even these guys, it's your choice on choosing the way you will tell her. Do not let them influence you."

Chris was right. I wanted to tell her tonight. My plan was to ditch the party and just kinda leave the city to just be alone. I just needed to make sure where I was going, and that I should tell Chris just in case something goes wrong.

Tonight's the night that I finally tell Autumn what and who I really am.

Your Skin Taste of Sin (Ryan Sitkowski)Where stories live. Discover now