Comic Con || T.H.

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Just to give y'all a little heads up: I have no idea how Comic Con works so I'm just imagining the perfect night, bear with me. This is also my first imagine and I was too lazy to double check for any mistakes so you'll most likely find a few.

 This is also my first imagine and I was too lazy to double check for any mistakes so you'll most likely find a few

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Today is the day you finally get to see your favourite person in the whole wide world: Tom Holland. You're currently sitting in your mom's car, on your way to Comic Con. You've always wanted to go, and now you have a valid reason. You've been crushing on Tom since The Impossible, which has been quite some time. He's just so precious, sweet and humble. You have so much respect for everything he does. "On a scale from 1 to 10, how excited are you?" your mom asks curiously. "Infinity." you answer. She smiles at you. Your mom likes Tom as well and you're so glad that she's willing to drive for so long, just for you to see him in real life. You can't believe this is actually happening. You look on your phone, it's 6:45 PM. "Are we almost there?" you ask anxiously. "We won't be late. Look Y/N, there it is." she points at a building at the end of the street. You sigh in relief. Your mom stops the car in front of the building and you see that everyone is inside already. "Have fun honey. Call me when I need to pick you up again. I love you" she says while giving you a kiss on your forehead. "Thanks mom, I love you too." you say before getting out of the car.

You walk to the door and show your ticket to the security. You can go through. You look around and gasp, it's incredible. You still have to wait until 8:00 PM to go inside the right hall but there's enough to do and see around here. You decide to walk around and see what's going on.

After walking for a good 15 minutes, you see a Starbucks and walk in to order a Caramel frappuchino. "What's your name?" a girl around the 20 asks. "Y/N." you reply friendly before taking two steps to the right to wait for your frappuchino. You thank the girl once she gives you your drink and you continue walking around.

"Hell no." you whisper to yourself as you feel you need to pee. You're debating with yourself whether to wait until you finish your drink, throw the drink away or go to the toilet with your drink. You choose the last option, Starbucks isn't that cheap and you love it too much to throw it away. You look around to see where the toilets are and you walk as fast as possible once you find one.

You get out of the toilet, with your drink, and bump into someone else causing the drink to spill all over your clothes and shoes. "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry." you hear a familiar voice apologise. You look up and see Zendaya. "I-it's okay." you stutter, not knowing what to say. "No it's really not. Where are my manners? I'm Zendaya." she says as she gives you a hug. "I'm Y/N. I-it's so nice to meet you, even though.. this." you chuckle as you try not to stutter too much. "I have some clothes backstage you can have. Come with me." she says and drags you backstage without waiting for an answer. You're trying not to fangirl; you're holding Zendaya's hand. Actually, she's holding your wrist but that's the same thing. She opens a third door and you see you're standing in her dressing room.

"Here it is." she says holding up a two piece playsuit. "But you're much taller than me." you state. It's true, you're only Y/H. "Just try it on, I have more." she says while pointing to a curtain. You open and close it and quickly change. There's no mirror so you have to come out. You walk over to Zendaya who's trying to find a pair of shoes for herself. You clear your throat to draw her attention. She turns around and looks at your with her eyes widened. "You look amazing, oh my god." she says while studying your look. You feel your cheeks getting warmer. "I was looking for a pair of shoes that would look good with this." she says. Oh, shoes for you then. You nod awkwardly when she shows her top three. "These are beautiful." you say while pointing at nude brown, suède heels. She hands them over to you and you put them on. You walk over to the mirror to admire your new outfit.

 You walk over to the mirror to admire your new outfit

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"Thank you so much." you say turning around, only to see Thomas Stanley Holland standing next to her. You open your mouth to say something but close it as nothing comes out. His appearance makes you speechless. He looks very hot today. He always does though. "Why thank you." he says blushing. "I did not.. I-" you try to say but look at your hands as there's nothing useful coming out of your mouth. You just embarrassed yourself in front of Tom, can it get any worse? On cue, the door opens and Laura walks in. "Hey have you seen J-" she stops talking once she sees you. "I'm Laura, nice to meet you." she says walking over to you and giving you a hug. "I'm Y/N, it's so nice to meet you too." you say while a smile creeps onto your face. "How rude of me, I'm Tom." he says in his adorable British accent while walking over to you and pulling you into a hug. You freeze for a moment but hug him back. "I'm Y-Y/N." you say blushing. "That's a beautiful name." he says complimenting you which makes you blush. "I was going to tell you guys that they changed the program. The panel is now at 10:00 PM instead of 8:00." she announces. That means you have to wait another two and a half hours. You sigh and Tom notices it. "We could prank some people out there." he suggests. Zendaya and Laura look at you and smirk. "How do you wanna do that?" Laura asks. You shift from one leg to another, not knowing what to say or how to behave. "We're going undercover as Spider-man. I saw some masks and a suit in the hallway. I hope you can see through those though." he says. Zendaya and Laura both say it's a good idea and then turn to you. "What..?" you ask unsure of the looks they're giving you. "Do you wanna help us?" Tom asks. "Yeah, sure." you say excited. "We can put on the masks ourselves, you can help Tom with his costume." Zendaya says while winking at you. "Come with me." Tom says. He rests his hand on your lower back, leading you the way.

"This is going to take a while." he says while holding up the suit. You're now back in his dressing room. Harrison left as soon as he introduced himself to you and exchanged some looks with Tom. You place Tom's clothes on a chair. He's now standing in his Calvin Klein underwear, in front of you. It's obviously a big deal for you. You help him put on the suit and you're done after a good 10 minutes.

"I've never put it on that fast." he says while putting on his mask. "Good job then." you say smiling. "Thank you Y/N. You've been so nice. I need to ask this but why are you backstage?" he asks curiously. "Long story short, Zendaya spilled my drink over me and these are her clothes." you say, pointing at your outfit. "Well, I gotta say, you look beautiful." he whispers in your ear. Even though he's wearing a mask, you can feel and see him smiling right through it. You can't help but blush again. "You're cute when you blush." he adds, causing you to turn into a tomato. You cover up your cheeks with you hands. "Stop.." you say whining like a small child which makes Tom laugh. "Are you two ready?" Harrison asks walking in. You both nod. "Can you maybe film this? I have to help Jacob with.. something." he asks you while pointing to the camera he's holding. "Sure. Just tell me what to do." you say. Harrison tells you what to do real quick before heading to Jacob. "Are you ready?" you ask Tom, Zendaya and Laura who came to see how far you and Tom were. They all say something similair to a yes and you exit the backstage area with Tom's arm around your shoulders and Laura and Zendaya winking and smirking at your tomato red face. They know.





First chapter. Let me know what you guys think so far. Any tips are welcome. PM if you have any requests, as I'm already struggling what to write next. Part 2 will be up soon, just stay tuned. Enjoy the rest of your day/night.

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