Chaos || T.H.

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"Y/N get your ass out of that bed right now, we're gonna be late!" Y/B/F shouts from down the stairs. You open up your eyes and look around. "Late for what?" you ask while rubbing in your eyes, trying to get a clearer sight. "Today is the first day of shooting you asshat." she says while storming into your room. It went quite for a second until you realise what she was talking about. "Shit." you say while you widen your eyes. You jump out of bed and run into the bathroom to do whatever you have to do. After 10 minutes you walk out, all dressed, to see your best friend with a smirk on her face. "What?" you ask confused. "Nothing, nothing. I made you breakfast." she says before walking down the stairs. You just shrug it off and follow her into the kitchen.

"I've missed your pancakes so much." you say with your mouth stuffed with pancakes, making Y/B/F laugh. "Thanks gal. By the way, Tom, Harrison, Jacob and Harry are gonna pick us up in 5 minutes so you better hurry your slow ass." she says before walking away to put on her shoes. You quickly eat the rest of the pancake and put the plate in the sink. You take a little sprint into the hall where your shoes and coat are. You put on your coat and favourite pair of shoes before checking your hair in the mirror. You hear a car honk outside. "Ready?" Y/B/F asks. You nod before heading out the door, being greeted by the cold Montreal air. You open up the door of the car. "Scoot over." you tell Tom.

"Hello to you too, darling." he says chuckling as you and Y/B/F finally sat down. "Let me try that again. Good morning love." you say smiling before giving him a kiss. "That's better." he says after you two pulled apart. You chuckle and the car starts driving. "Hey everyone." you say a few seconds later, looking at the others. "Oh my god she just noticed us. This is world news guys, someone call the papers." Harry says pretending to be shocked, making all of you laugh.

After a solid 15 minutes of talking about the new movie, Harrison pulls over. "We're here." he says before everyone gets out of the rental car. You, again, feel a cold breeze and get goosebumps all over your body. Suddenly you feel a warm arm creeping around your shoulder, holding you closer. You look up and see Tom smiling down at you, instantly making your cheeks turn into a bright shade of red. You give him a peck on the cheek before a man approaches you. "Hey guys. Welcome to the set of Chaos Walking. We've been building for three days straight now and we should be finished in a few hours. In the meantime you guys will be guided through the headlines of the movie by Patrick. I understood that no one except for Tom knows which roll they've got, right?" he asks looking at the rest of you. Harrison, Y/B/F, Jacob and you nod. "Then you'll know in a few minutes. Follow me." he says before walking away. We follow him into a rather big trailer and go inside. We all introduce ourselves to Patrick before sitting down on the couches. "It's great to have all of you in this movie, especially since you already know one another. I have to say that the roles really differ in sizes, so I hope you don't mind that. Here are your scripts. You can't tell anyone anything about it except for each other, understood?" Patrick asks while looking at us, mostly Tom. Tom looks up at him and raises his eyebrows. "Yeah, got it." he mumbles making it hard for you to hold back a chuckle. You turn to the first page. "Viola Eade?" you ask quitely. Everyone suddenly stops talking and looks at you. You look at Tom, confused. "You've got the main role!" Y/B/F shouts before hugging you, making you jump a little by her sudden actions. You frown your eyebrows but soon start smiling. She lets you go before going back to the other couch. "I'm so glad you've got that role." Tom whispers in your ear. "Why? Is there gonna be any kissing involved?" you say jokingly but stop chuckling when you see him wiggling his eyebrows. "Wait, is there?" you ask and he nods. "I hope you don't mind." Patrick says. "U-uhm no it's fine." you manage to get out. "I just can't believe I've got the main role. It's gonna be my first movie after all. Are you sure there hasn't been made a mista-" "No, we saw the self tapes that Tom sent us. We were all really impressed by your performance." Patrick interrupts. You turn your head to Tom. "You sent them my self tapes?" you ask. He starts smiling like a little kid and looks away.

"I think that's about it." Patrick says 3 hours later. All you did these last few hours was going through the script to see if anything had to be changed last minute. You walk outside to take a quick look around on the set. It's seriously huge. "Tom and Y/N, make-up. Jacob, Harrison and Y/B/F, wardrobe." the same man that welcomed us earlier instructed us before walking away again. You give the others a hug before going separated ways. "Are you nervous?" Tom asks as he sees your face. You bite your lip and nod. "I promise you it'll be alright. I'm gonna help you and you'll always have someone around if you need something." he says trying to calm you down. You unexpectedly give him a hug. "Thank you." you whisper in his ear. He hugs you back tightly. "Anything for you my darling." he says before cupping your face and kissing you. "There you two are! We've got to get you ready for the kissing scene." a woman says as she opens up a door. You and Tom blush before walking into another trailer, filled with make-up. You both take place in a chair and a few people start touching your face and doing you hair. It's all a bit overwhelming but you manage to get through it.

"You look hot." Tom said while scanning every inch of your body - every scar and every stain they applied to your face and clothes. "You look like a twelve year old," you said. "but I'm not saying that I don't like it." you finished your sentence when you saw Tom looked 'offended'. He, out of nowhere, hugs you. "I'm so proud of you." he whispers into your ear. "Right back at ya," you replied smiling from ear to ear. "You need to come with me now." another woman said waiting for us outside. "Is everything always this rushed?" you asked while Tom and you follow her. Tom nods and you sigh.

"This is probably going to be a hell of a lot of work but it's going to be great with you around." Tom said before you two had to start the scene and you give him a kiss. "I love you." you told him. "And I love you more."

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