Revealing || P.P.

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"I'm on my way home, mom." you say talking to her over the phone. "Please be careful, sweetheart. It's dark and you know it's dangerous out there." your mom says being the overprotective mom she is. You sigh. "I'll be fine, see you soon." you say. She replies with a 'see you' before you hang up the phone. You put your phone back in your pocket as you continue walking.
You feel a cold breeze, making you slightly shiver. You look over your right shoulder and see someone following you. "Stop overthinking. They probably have to go this way as well." you whisper to yourself. You suddenly hear the footsteps increasing, as if they're running. You look over your shoulder again and see the person really close behind you. Before you could step up your pace, you feel a hand over your mouth and you're being dragged into an alley. "Don't scream and I won't use this." the man says while pointing a gun at you, making your eyes widen. You nod and he grabs your purse. "What is a pretty girl like you doing out here all by herself at night?" he says while taking a step towards you. You're already against the wall so can't take another step back. You try not to move or make any noise whatsoever. He takes another step towards you and you feel his hand stroking your face, making you want to vomit. "She's not alone!" you hear all of a sudden. You can't see clearly who it is since your tears are blurring your vision. The man turns around and falls on the ground. You quickly wipe away the tears and see the one and only Spider-Man standing in front of you. "Are you okay Y/N? Did he hurt you?" he asks as he places his hands on your shoulders. "I-I'm fine." you say with a shaking voice. You suddenly hear a gunshot and your eyes widen as you see the other man standing with his gun in his hand. Spider-Man turns around and webs him on the wall, kicking his gun away. "I already called the police. We need to get out of here." he says with some sort of pain in his voice. Before you could say anything, you feel his arm wrap around you waist and you swing away, you holding onto him for dear life. You land on the rooftop of your apartment complex, which was weird since you never told him where you lived. You both let go of each other and Spider-Man collaps to the ground. "Oh my god. W-what do I do? Do I have to take you to the hospital?" you ask shocked and scared as you see a huge bloodstain on his shoulder. He shot him. "N-no. No hospitals. I can get the b-bullet out myself." he stutters. You slowly nod. "Wait here. I'm going to get my first aid kit." you say before running to your apartment. Luckily your mom fell asleep and you were able to sneak in and out without her noticing. You kneel down besides Spider-Man and open up the kit. "Are you sure you can do this?" you ask. He nods and his hand makes his way to his wound. Even though he's wearing the mask, you can see the painful expression on his face. He grunts as he removes the bullet. "This is going to sting." you say before rubbing alcohol on it. He grabs your arm as he tries not to scream from the pain. After cleaning it all, you put a gauze on it.

"Thank you." Spider-Man says while you're putting everything back in the first aid kit. "No biggie. I do this all the time." you joke and he starts laughing. "I'm sure you do." he replies. You sit down next to him and look at him. He's already staring at you, and it's making you blush. You suddenly remember something. "How did you know my name?" you ask with furrowed eyebrows. He shifts his leg awkwardly and looks away. "W-what are you talking about?" he asks, still not making any eye contact. "You said my name when you asked if I was okay." you remind him. He sighs and shakes his head. "I need to do this first, in case you hate me after telling you." he says. You were about to say something until he pulls up his mask to reveal just his lips and nose. His lips crush onto yours and it makes you feel all warm and tingly inside. You feel.. safe for some reason, even though you just met. You both pull apart and you bite your lip. "Do you also have a name or..? You sound familiar but I can't put a finger on it." you ask ruining the moment. He bites his bottom lip and removes the mask. That's when it hits you. You see your best friend and crush standing in front of you. You get up from the ground and take a step back. "P-Peter?" you ask shocked. He gets up as well and takes a step towards you. "I wanted to tell you, I swear I did. But I just couldn't. It can put your life at risk if they know we are connected. I can't let them hurt you, I'd never forgive myself." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I love you Y/N." he says looking rigt into your eyes. You see he's tearing up and you ignore the thoughts that are going through your head. You walk up to him and give him a hug. "I-I love you too." you say as you feel a warm tear stream down your cheek. You let go of him and you see a smile on his face. He whipes your tear away with his thumb and cups your face. You both lean in and kiss each other again, this time more passionately. You pull apart and hit him on his arm. "What was that for?" he asks chuckling. "For not telling me you were fighting crimes every single night, risking your own life." you say raising an eyebrow. "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." he says, looking at his feet. A smile creeps onto your face. "You're so precious. I'm proud of you, I-I just don't wanna lose you." you whisper. He look at you again. "You won't, I promise." he says before giving you a kiss on your forehead. You smile and you climb into your room through the fire escape.

"How are you gonna explain the scar on your schoulder though." you ask curiously as you two sit on bed, Peter still in his suit. "I won't have to. I'm a quick healer, it won't leave a scar." he says as he deflates the suit. You look at his schoulder which is indeed all normal. "I'm sure I have sweatpants and a sweater of you laying around somewhere. Let me grab it for you." you say getting off the bed and walking to your closet. You pass him the clothes and turn around, seeing him standing in his underwear. "I'm pretty sure the last time I saw you shirtless, you didn't have abs." you state confused. "Were you checking me out?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows, making you blush. "I-" "It's okay, I'm flattered." he interrupts. He puts on the clothes and makes himself comfy in your bed. He opens his arms, so you can hug him again. You bury your face in his chest as he strokes you hair. "Do you want to stay the night?" you ask. "I'd love to." he whispers in your ear, giving you goosebumps all over your body as you feel his warm breath.

"Y/N?" he asks after a while. "Mmh?" you answer. "Do you.. do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks nervously. You lift your head up from his chest to look at him. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." you say. He smiles at you and kisses you again. "Goodnight Peter." you say as you two pull apart and you cuddle up to him again. "Goodnight sunshine." he says as he gives you a kiss on your head. He wraps his arms around you and turns off the light that's on your bedside table. You close your eyes and fall asleep, thinking about Peter.

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