Karaoke || T.H.

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Requested by SummerNykole. I changed it a bit but I hope you enjoy x
Tom's POV

" "Come on, man. Don't be such a buzzkill." Harrison said. "I can't do anything about the fact that I literally shut down whenever I sing." I said. We walked by a karaoke bar and Harrison begged me to come with him. "What do you want in exchange for it? You don't have to sing but if you do I owe you big time." I thought about it. "You remember that pair of shoes I liked the other day?" I trailed off. "The Gucci ones? Mate, those were £800." I gave him a look. "What the fuck, fine. You better have a dance routine ready like fucking Rihanna, no pun intended." "I'll try." I laughed. We walked into the bar and got greeted by a few people we'd never seen before. "Beer?" Harrison shouted over the music and I nodded and signed him that I was gonna get us a table. I sat down in the booth in the corner and watched a few people sing their lungs out. I felt more comfortable since no one here seemed to know how to sing. But then again, they were not going to find videos of them failing on thousands of fanaccounts the next morning. I sighed and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through Instagram until Harrison came back with our beers. "Cheers, mate. Have you picked out a song yet?" he asked and laughed. "Not yet. I'm observing people for now," I said and took a sip. We watched the stage for a while. I definitely wasn't the best singer, but everyone was so bad. They actually gave me a headache. I was at a point at which I just wanted to get up and walk out of there. "I kind of see why you didn't wanna come in here. We're not drunk enough for this," Harrison groaned, supporting his head with his hand. I chuckled. "Let's just go after we finish our beers," Harrison said. This was already our third. I nodded. I then saw a girl walk onto the stage. She wasn't drunk, unlike everyone else. She was quite a pretty girl actually. When the music started and she began singing, I was so mesmerized by her voice. She sounded like an angel. I was surprised that such a big voice came out of such a little girl. Everyone clapped when she finished and she smiled. She passed our booth when she left the stage and I stopped her. I stood up and immediately felt awkward. Why did I do that? "I- uh, I thought you were really good up there and I just wanted to tell you that. I'm sorry, I'm Tom," I rambled which made her chuckle. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. Thank you by the way, that's really sweet of you," she said with a smile. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I was lucky it was dark. We stood there in silence for a few seconds, just looking at each other. Every other person would find it the most awkward moment in their life, but to me it just felt good or comfortable? It might be just me. Maybe she felt like she wanted to disappear into the thin air. I guess we'll never know. I looked at my feet and smiled to myself. "You guys, just get it over with. Y/N, would you like to go out with Tom sometime?" he asked and my head shot up. If looks could kill, he'd be on the fucking floor right now. I went to apologize to Y/N for Harrison's bluntness, but she answered. "I'd love to," she said smiling at me. I smiled back at her and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. "In that case, can I have your number?" I asked and she nodded. I handed her my phone and she put her number in it. She handed it back to me and I thanked her. "I have to go, my friends are waiting for me. I'll talk to you later then," she said. "Yeah, I'll text you," I said. She said goodbye to me and Harrison before turning around and disappearing into the crowd. "You like her, huh?" Harrison asked before taking a sip of his beer. I looked at where I last saw her and smiled before I nodded. "Let's just go," I said after Harrison finished his beer. We walked out of the bar and waited for a cab to ar-"

"Wait, wait, wait. So you never sang? And you didn't get the shoes?" Hailey, my 8 year old daughter, asked me. I laughed. "That's what you wanna know? After the whole story?" I asked and she nodded. "No, I didn't. But it's fine, because I got something even better in exchange for it," I said and looked over my should to my wife Y/N. She was in the kitchen, making us hot chocolate. Hailey clapped in her hands when Y/N returned. "You're so cheesy," Y/N said as she gave me a mug and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Only for you," I smiled at her before giving her a quick kiss. "Ew, not in front of me," Hailey said in disgust which made the both of us laugh. I loved my family.

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