The Happiest Place On Earth || T.H.

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Tom took you, Harrison, Harry, Sam and Paddy to the airport to go somewhere

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Tom took you, Harrison, Harry, Sam and Paddy to the airport to go somewhere. You walk into the plane but no one's mentioned anything about the country you're going to which bugs you since they always do that. You sigh as you sit down next to Harrison at the window. Sam, Harry, Paddy and Tom are in the middle seats. "Why are you sitting next to me actually? Not that I mind." you ask Harrison. He chuckles. "Tom is bad at keeping secrets. I'm pretty sure that's not a surprise." is all he says before changing the subject.

"Tom, how long until we're there?" you ask curiously. You landed two hours ago and you're currently sitting in a car, you still don't know where you're going or which country you're even in since Tom blindfolded you when you landed. "5 minutes." he says chuckling. You're kind of scared. Not that you don't trust him at all, you just don't trust him right now. "You're so mean. Why does everyone else know except for me?" you ask whining like a little kid. "We're here!" Paddy says excited. It made you jump and Sam laughs. "Okay maybe a little less than 5 minutes. Can you help her out of the car? Haz and I have to do something." Tom asks his little brothers and they apparently nod cause you don't hear anything. You all get out of the car, with help of course. You can feel the sun shine onto your skin. It smells different than the UK, does that make any sense? "It kinda does." Sam says. "I said that out loud?" you ask confused and them chuckling is your answer. "Are you excited?" Harry asks. You shrug. "For all I know he might be about to throw me off a cliff." you say without any facial expression whatsoever which makes them laugh their asses off. "Seems like you all are having fun. Lets go." Harrison says while walking towards you. You suddenly feel two hands on your shoulders, making you jump. "It's just me." Sam says as he leads you the way. You feel like people are staring and it's not particularly a feeling you enjoy.

"Okay we're here." Harry says after like 5 minutes. Sam stops walking, causing you to stop too. You hear footsteps coming your way and two hands on your hips. "Hello darling, it's me." Tom whispers in your ear, giving you goosebumps all over your body. "Hey." you say with a smile plastered onto your face. "Are you ready?" Paddy asks and you nod. "As ready as I'll ever be." you say, preparing yourself mentally. You feel two hands untying the knot of the blindfold and it soon drops to the ground. You blink a few times and gasp when you realise where you are. "No way!" you say turning around and jumping in Tom's arms. "Surprise!" all the others say in unison as they laugh and film your reaction. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you." you say, still hugging Tom. "I know this was on your bucketlist. We'll be spending our whole week off here. And anything for you, my love." Tom says. You let go of him and kiss him. You hear Paddy clear his throat and Tom and you both start laughing. You look back at the castle that is a few feet away from you. You're still so amazed by the fact that you're in Disneyland. You've always wanted to go but you never had the chance or the money actually. "So Y/N, how are you feeling right now?" Harry asks like a reporter with his camera in his hand. You chuckle. "I feel like I'm on cloud nine. It's unreal that I'm here with you guys." you say wiping a tear away. Harry smiles and gives you a hug. "I want a hug too." Paddy and Sam say and you give them both a hug. You see Harrison with a 'sad' face and give him a hug as well, standing on your toes since he's much taller than you. You walk over to Tom and he grabs your hands. "I love you so much Tom." you say with a huge smile. "I love you more Y/N." he says and he cups your face. "Are we going on that rollercoaster or what?" Paddy says pointing to this huge ride. You all nod in agreement and you and Tom hold hands as you walk to the line like little kids because lets get real, Disney is where your dreams come true. And that's why you scream, laugh and scare the shit out of yourself for the next 5 days with some of the best people in the world. The ones you know will always be there for you, no matter what happens.


This was based on my dream. I'd love to hear what you all think about the way I write and the imagines in general. If you have any requests, please don't hesitate messaging me. I hope you all have a great day/night x

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