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Hope's POV

I fell asleep on the plane. Hours later we landed. We grabbed our bags and headed to the taxi. About 5 minutes later we arrived

I could see Aunt Freya and Uncle Kol waiting for us. I ran up to both of them and gave them a big hug.

"We missed you too Hope," Aunt Freya said. I walk in and see aunt Becka standing there. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her tighter.

"I missed you my little niece," Aunt Becka says releasing the hug. "I missed you to Aunt Becka," I say hugging her again.

I'm so happy I'm home but I also miss our adventure. It was fun while it lasted though.

Three people I've never mett are my uncle Finn, my Dad's Dad (I've heard he was bad so maybe I don't want to meet him) my Dad's Mom ( I've heard she's bad too so...). Anyways those are the three people in my family I've never mett.

"Hope," I hear my Dad call. I vamp speed to him. "What," I ask. "You have to go stay with a friend of mine for a couple days," my Dad says and I groan as I get in the luxury car.

I fall asleep on the way. Suddenly we arrive in a town. It's all houses really. There's a school. A couple restaurants. Then I hear my Dad talking on the phone. Then all of a sudden we turn around

Klaus's POV
"Okay I'll turn around and mett you at the grill," I say to Damon on the other end. "I'll be there what do you need anyway," I hear Damon say. "You'll see when I get there," I say Hanging up.

Hope's POV
We arrive at a restaurant type place. I see all kinds of people. All of a sudden I sense something. Vampire. Then my Dad's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. We are sitting on bar stools.

A guy with black hair and ice blue eyes is sitting on the other side of my Dad. They are chatting about stuff, I'm not sure what kind of stuff. "See you later Damon," my Dad calls walking out the Door, and I'm left here. For what reason I don't know.

Klaus's POV
"I need you to take care of my daughter for a couple days," I tell Damon. "Where is she," Damon asks not happy that I have came.
"Right here I say and she (Hope) looks up. "See you later Damon," I call as I leave. I didn't want to leave her but I can't have her being killed.

Hope's POV
"Hey so what's your name little one," Damon asks me. "Hope Mikaelson, Why," I say raising a eyebrow. "You got your Father's curiosity little one," Damon says laughing.

"What's your name," I ask Damon. "Damon Salvatore," he says taking a sip of his drink. "Why did my dad leave me with you," I ask. "Because he felt it was not safe in New Orleans," Damon says gesturing me to come on. I get up and we leave.

A/N : Who do you think Klaus is protecting Hope from??? leave your answers in the comments please!!! Bye lovelies!!! See ya next chapter!!!

Hope Mikaelson [2017 | ARCHIVED]Where stories live. Discover now