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Klaus's POV
Even I, The original hybrid has weakness. One of them dead (Cami) one of them my little princess Hope.

I just don't want Hope to die like Cami did. She was killed out of rage by Lucin. He was always quite jealous of me. Now my daughter almost dies at the hands of my so called father Michael.

I walk down the streets watching people walk by giving me glares. I never really cared about my reputation.

Now that I have a daughter that has changed. Then all of a sudden hands reach around my neck and snap it.

Suddenly I wake up in Saint Anne's Church. Michael starts cutting gashes all over me. My skin burns at the touch of the dagger. I yell out in pain

Hope's POV
There's that feeling again. My dad is in trouble again. I can't just let him be killed. I know he's strong but so am I. The more power the better right?

I magically teleport to the exact same place I almost died a week ago.

Michael was chaining my dad up on the wall as he'd done before. My Dad has slashes all over his body. His head is down. He looks lifeless.

"Dad," I yell swinging my arms to my side up in the air throwing Michael harshly against the wall. He got back up and I kept fighting him. He got up and tried to bite into my neck again but I snapped my fingers and he fell to the ground in pain.

"You have quite the hero Nicklaus," Michael says through the pain. "Don't touch my daughter," I hear my dad yell. I put my hands out in front of me throwing Michael against the wall.

"You leave my family alone," I growl." Protective Just like your father," Michael says laughing. I snap my fingers again and he falls to the ground in pain clutching his head.

I start chanting then I feel a agonizing pain in my back. I didn't see Michael any more. "No," I hear my Dad yell. I chant and the dagger comes out of my back painfully. I snap my fingers again Michael falls to the ground in pain.

I start chanting again. He clutches his head in pain. I keep chanting until Michael was too weak to stand. I suddenly realise my Dad might be dead. I keep chanting and Michael falls back onto the concrete floor. I'm covered in blood.

I am done my work here complete. I instantly thought of my Dad. He might be dead too.

I run over to him. "Dad," I say worriedly. He didn't reply. "Dad," I yell shaking him."Dad," I cry making it rain outside.

My face was stained with tears. I just don't know what to do. I touch my Dad's hand and he sits up. He hugs me tightly. "Hope," he wispers into my hair.

"Daddy," I say hugging him tighter. After everything we've been through I wanted to hug my Dad forever.

A/N : oh yeah my little Hope got em this time. Michael is gone. She did it. Loving this story and the originals!!!! Bye lovelies!!! See ya next chapter!!!

Hope Mikaelson [2017 | ARCHIVED]Where stories live. Discover now