Chapter 1

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"Hey, Isaac get up. The plane landed," Jeff whispered, nudging his friend on the shoulder. Isaac fixed his crooked glasses and looked at Jeff with tired, hazel blue eyes. "What time is it?" Isaac asked as he yawned a loud and nasally yawn."Well, according to Marceline this was a ten hour flight so right now it's 11:30 in the morning," Jeff explained, getting out of his seat. C.J. looked around the plane and asked, "Are we the only ones on this flight?" "I have no idea," Isaac said in a tired voice. Jeff walked over and woke up Samuel by slapping him on the back of the head. Samuel looked up at Jeff and said, "What the actual fuck man?" "Then plane landed, pretty boy. Get up," Jeff said, waking up Marceline. Marceline looked at her watch and saw it actually worked. "Now what?" C.J. asked as he grabbed his backpack from the overhead carrier. Isaac shrugged, "Samuel what'd you think?" "Don't ask me, I'm still trying to wake up. Also Jeff, did you call me a "pretty boy?" Samuel asked, moving his umber curly hair out of his eyes. Jeff nodded, "Yeah, it suits you. Plus the term pretty boy is basically guys with pale skin, blue eyes and dark hair and have eyelashes like a girl." "Gee thanks," Samuel said sarcastically, grabbing his bag from under the seat. The group headed out of the plane and saw the airport was completely empty except for a few people hanging out near a cell phone hot spot. 

"Anyone know where we are?" Isaac asked as his eyes danced around the main hallway of the cramped airport. Samuel looked at the airport name and read aloud, "Thunder Valley Airlines. Oh fuck, oh fuck why are we here?!" "It says all that on a sign? Wow this town must be depressing," Jeff said as he snickered. "No, we-" Samuel sighed as he covered his forehead with his hands. "-we're in Thunder Valley. The dystopian town that nobody really knows about but the people that used to live here. One of those people being me of all things," Samuel explained, putting his hands behind his neck out of stress. "So what if the town's a little run down, we can manage, right?" C.J. asked as he tugged at Samuel's sweatshirt. "C.J.," Samuel began. "Michael Rose came to this town and made peoples lives shit. The town itself was supposed to be joined together with St. John, it's neighbor, but instead, St. John was torn apart, leaving this town helpless. Soon, Michael's existence caused the death of seven kids and four teachers in a school shooting. And what I can say is, we're stuck here." "Samuel, that would make a great Stephen Spielberg movie," Jeff said sarcastically. "Jeffery, this is some serious shit! Your uncle did this!" Samuel blurted as he threw his arms in the air out of stress and anger. Jeff shrugged, "I know, and if he's here, let me snap his neck, please." "Maybe we can find a decent place to stay?" C.J. asked. "The woods are our only option at this point C.J.," Samuel said, looking at the half-broken doorway that led to a small parking lot outside the airport. "Follow me," Samuel said, heading out of the airport.

"Hey Samuel, can I tell you something?" Jeff asked as the group walked on the side of an old, pot hole-covered road. Samuel shrugged as he shoved his pale, slender hands in his jeans front pockets, "What is it?" "Well whenever you saw Marceline and you both hugged and cried, I whispered to Isaac, "I bet his boner is hard as a rock right now." And I don't regret it. It's a good joke, right?" Jeff explained. Samuel covered his face with his hands and groaned in embarrassment, "Jeff," he muttered. "You made it weirder than it already was. I tried to kiss her, not hug her." "Okay now I regret it. Also wait, you like Marceline?!" Jeff yelled, not knowing Marceline was right behind him. Samuel covered Jeff's mouth his sweatshirt sleeve, "Shut up man! And I don't just like her, I adore the woman. I lover her, okay! Just please don't fucking tell her." "Okay sorry, also get your nasty sleeve off my kisser," Jeff said, moving backwards. "You guys having a fight or something? Do I need to break it up again before Samuel tried to shoot himself, again?" Marceline asked walking next to them. "Nope. Plus I lost my gun back in Japan. So if someone tried to kill us, I won't be any help," Samuel said as he stood away from Jeff. Jeff looked at Samuel, then back at Marceline, shrugged at them both, then continued walking. 

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