Chapter 9

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"Morning bitches," Jeff called from the bedroom, waking up Isaac and making him hit his head on the ceiling. "Jeffery, I'm trying to sleep," Isaac said, running his fingers through his ginger hair. Jeff shrugged, "Don't care, also did Samuel come in here last night?" "I know Clancy didn't, he was in Bailey and Alex's room the entire night, possibly making out with Bailey," Isaac said, climbing down from the bed. Jeff opened the door and saw Marceline asleep on the floor and Samuel asleep on the table. "Found 'em," Jeff said, walking over to Samuel.

 Jeff stood in front of Samuel and tapped the end of his nose, saying, "Wake up." Samuel didn't move. Alex woke up later with mangled hair and a beer bottle in her left hand. "Morning ya'll," Alex said, starting the RV. Bailey woke up later, then Clancy, then C.J., but Marceline rolled over on her side and Samuel stayed asleep. "Alex, you have any frying pans?" Jeff asked. Alex nodded, "In the top cabinet above the window, why do you ask?" "I'm gonna wake up Samuel the way my dad used to wake me up in the morning for school," Jeff said, reaching for a pan. He tried jumping but he was one of the shortest people in the RV so Isaac had to grab them for him. Everyone got quiet, and Jeff banged the pans together and yelled, "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, YOU'RE NOT DEAD SO WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Samuel shot up and fell on the floor, landing on Marceline, waking her up. "Oh shit... whoops," Jeff said, setting the pans on the counter. "Marceline, oh my god sorry," Samuel said, helping her up. "Wait, what happened?" Marceline asked. "Jeff banged pans together and screamed, he's louder than Clancy at night," Alex said as she drove down the road. Samuel laughed, "Oh, that's nice. Again, sorry Marceline, I freaked out over the noise." "Samuel, Jeff's fallen on me, Isaac's fallen on me, a 500 pound lady at In N' Out has fallen on me, I'm unbreakable. Also you are light as a feather, Sammy boy," Marceline said. "Really?" Samuel asked. "If Jeff can pick you up then you're probably at least below 130 pounds," Isaac said, sitting on the couch with a pop tart in his mouth. "Samuel come here, just stand still for a second," Jeff said. Samuel stood still as Jeff picked him off the floor. "For a short guy you're strong," Clancy said. "Bitch, we're the same height, also he's just really light weight," Jeff said, holding Samuel like a baby. "Can you put me down now?" Samuel asked. "Yeah," Jeff said, dropping Samuel on the floor. "I mean set me down, fuck it, I'm going to change," Samuel said, moving his hair out of his eyes. "By the way Bailey, thanks for saying I have a sexy voice," Samuel said, after clearing his throat and cocking his split eyebrow. "Oh he heard that..." Bailey stammered. "I told him last night. He thought it was funny," Marceline said. 

After everyone had woken up fully, Alex put in a CD in the CD player in the RV and said, "If you hate 80's or 90's music, get out." She turned up the volume and the song "Smooth" by Santana was blasting. Samuel peeked his head out of the bathroom and said, "Is this what I think it is?" "You remember my mom playing this song?" Alex asked. "Hell fucking yeah!" Samuel yelled, leaping out of the bathroom. As the song played, Samuel mouthed the lyrics and kept staring at Marceline. Half way through the song, he got up from the couch, grabbed Marceline by the hand, and danced with her. Everyone laughed, cheered, and nearly fell off their seats. Soon Alex stopped the RV and made Jeff dance with her, most of it was Jeff falling on his back when he tried to spin around. Right before the song finished, Samuel slipped over his shoe laces and fell on the floor, doing the splits by accident. "Holy shit you okay?" Marceline asked. He shrugged, "Doesn't hurt, also that was fun." "Oh, you need help up?" Marceline asked. He nodded, "Yes please, also I think I've ruined my reproductive cycle." Marceline helped Samuel up and nearly dropped him trying to get him off the floor. "So... now what?" Isaac asked. Alex was about to speak until she heard footsteps outside. 

"Nobody move," Alex said, grabbing the axe from St. John and walking towards the door. She looked out the window above the door and saw four men, two teenagers and two grown men in their thirties. "Guys, we've got company," Alex said, holding the axe behind her back. "Everyone be armed, if they attack, attack if you have too," Alex added, before opening the door. Everyone grabbed a melee weapon, Samuel grabbed a baseball bat, Marceline grabbed her switch blade, and Jeff even grabbed a frying pan. They all walked outside and saw the men standing in front of the RV with loaded shotguns and a sniper rifle. "What do you want?" Alex asked, welding the axe. One of the men stepped forward, he looked eighteen and had black hair with blond ends. He looked at Alex and said, "What you got?" "Stuff, things you can't have," she said, slapping her right hand on the axe handle. "Who's all in there?" the man asked. Marceline and Bailey walked out of the RV, Marceline held her blade while Bailey held a pistol from the glove box and stood behind Alex. 

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