Chapter 20

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"Hey, Marceline, you awake?" Samuel asked, nudging her shoulder. Marceline rolled over, faced Samuel, and asked, "What do you want?" "Jeff and I can't sleep, we're gonna go watch the sun come up," he said, rolling down his grey sweatshirt sleeves. Marceline shrugged, "What time is it?" "Almost five, we can't sleep. The entire house smells like a fireplace and it's irritating my nose. I can't breathe that well either so we both thought we needed some fresh air," Samuel explained. Marceline sat up in bed and said with a tired voice, "Alright, let me get dressed first." Samuel smiled and said, "We'll be by the backdoor when you're ready." And he closed the door and walked downstairs, meeting up with Jeff who was grabbing a few water bottles and zipping up his red jacket. Marceline came back downstairs wearing a 60's themed comic strip sweatshirt, with pale blue jean shorts, and she had the black suspenders at her side, along with her black combat boots. Jeff opened the door and they all three walked onto the plot. 

They ran to the sewage system and climbed up to the top which lead to a hill that looked over a nearby creek that was surrounded by thorn bushes and rose bushes. Jeff planted himself on the edge of the hill, letting his feet dangle over the tunnel, as well as Samuel and Marceline sitting next to Jeff and looking at the creek flow. The stars began to fade and show up in the water, same with the frogs and crickets singing to the rhythm of the trees flowing in the breeze. "I haven't felt this calm in ages," Samuel said, as he laid on his back looking up at the stars and the purple sky. Jeff shrugged, "The views in Utah are better." "Jeff, you know what urban legend this creek reminds me of?" Marceline asked, looking at the creek. Jeff nodded, "It's the Banshee's isn't it?" Marceline nodded, "Yep, speaking of Banshee's, my mom's seen one while she visited come cousins in Ireland when she was eighteen." "Do tell," Samuel said, scooting closer to Marceline, ready to hear a scary story. 

"So my mom was done with nursing school for Thanksgiving break and decided to visit her aunt and uncle and three cousins in Ireland. And since we never really celebrated Thanksgiving, my mom just got on a plane to Ireland and didn't really do much but talk with family. The youngest cousin was a guy named Caspar I think. Caspar was an odd ball for a nineteen-year-old, but hey, he liked scary shit and so does my mom, and so do I. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in my family. Anyways, Caspar knew that my mom really liked urban legends, so he wanted to take her to the lake that was near their neighborhood which was supposedly haunted by a Banshee that would look like a gorgeous woman at first, but would turn into a witch and drag people into the water with her, or curse them. So my mom went, "Let's do it!" So a few hours after she got to talking with people, she and Caspar went to the lake with torches, or flashlights since it was around seven thirty at night. They walked across this bridge, but Caspar stopped halfway, pointing his light at something in the forest part of the lake. "Hey Valarie," he began, looking at my mom. "You see that?" My mom nodded and backed away, before taking a picture of a woman, around thirty, wearing black and brown rags, had grey skin, yellow eyes and red hair. The woman heard the flash of the camera and looked up at them with large glowing eyes. Caspar freaked out and ran with my mom out of the lake area, and ran back to the neighborhood where they got home and slammed the door shut and locked it. Plus, the woman had teeth like a wolf according to my mom. My mom's aunt, Ciara, wanted to see the woman for herself. So my mom, Caspar, and Ciara, all went back to the lake and as they walked on the bridge, they heard scratching on the side of the bridge. My mom looked on the left and saw the woman, but much older, clawing with her claw-like nails against the bridge. My mom slowly backed away and told her aunt what she saw and they left the minute they heard the banshee scream. Let's just say, it took my mom around two years to get the guts to go back to Ireland after that," Marceline explained.

"Whoa, I wish my dad told me stuff like that. He grew up in an Irish family so he has stories like that to tell. But he never told them," Samuel said. "Jeff, tell Samuel about the time you might've seen a Chupacabra in Brazil when you were nine," Marceline said. Jeff smiled, "Ohh I love telling this story. Isaac had nightmares after I told him. So when I was eight my mom died of breast cancer, so my dad took me to Brazil to visit family about two months after her death to relax for a bit over all the stress. So I hung out with my great uncles kids most of the time I was there. One day while we were in the market area, my cousin Nicholas who was thirteen at the time, ran to me and my two girl cousins, Maria who was seven, and Mary Joe who was five. He was freaking out and said that something had stolen the neighbors pet chickens. Our neighbors were farmers and would always sell their eggs to the markets. Me being the brave boy I was, decided to help my cousin Nicholas and his friend Pedro investigate. We dropped the girls off at my great uncles house and we went to the neighbors only to find the backyard gate wide open, with claw marks on the hinges. Pedro walked into the chicken coop and ran right inside the house screaming, "The chickens have been drained!" in Portuguese. My cousin and I looked in the coop and nearly vomited, the chickens had been blood drained, every, single, one. Pedro's dad and grandpa came outside and looked at the chickens, but found no trail of blood or teeth marks. "Must've been the vampire dog," Pedro's grandpa said. We looked at him confused and asked, "What is that?" "The Chupacabra," Pedro said, seeing that one of the chickens had missing feathers and two large fang marks on the side of its neck near the main blood vein in the neck. We freaked out and ran to tell the neighbors, who had chickens, small house pets, and goats. The next day, at four in the morning, I woke up early to hear my great aunt screaming. My cousins and I ran downstairs and saw that my dad was singing a light at the backyard. I ran in front of my dad and I saw it, a hairless, long-legged dog with large bug eyes, standing in the backyard with a dead blood drained rat in its mouth. My great uncle grabbed his gun and tried to shoot it, but it ran off before he could even walk outside. That's pretty much it." 

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