Chapter 36

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Marceline couldn't see anything, even if she tried to open her eyes, nothing but darkness was around her. That is, until, a large door slam nearly made her soul leave her body in fright. She turned her head where the sound was, then felt someone take something off her face. She could fully open her eyes now and once she saw who had taken off the long, black ribbon off her face, she felt like spitting in his eyes. Michael Rose was standing over here, with a gun in one hand and the ribbon in the other. 

"Finally, we found one of you!" Michael said with sarcasm. Marceline gritted her teeth saying, "What the fuck do you want from me? You sneaky bastard." "Marceline, is it? Jeff's little companion since sixth grade?" Michael asked, as he set his gun on the floor and sat down in front of Marceline. She nodded, cocking an eyebrow, "Yeah, why is that so fucking important anyways?" Michael laughed, "Well, I was right about how you cuss like a sailor for a fourteen-year-old." "Hey, I'm Irish, what do you want from me, huh?" Marceline said, trying to move her hands, which were tied in front of her with duct tape. Michael laughed again, "I think you know why we need you, don't you?" "If it's about Samuel, then yes, I do. And I won't let any of you heartless bastards hurt him! He's been through enough hell already! And you caused it!" Marceline cried out, trying to free her hands. Michael rolled his grey-green eyes and said, "Listen, if you help us, then maybe we won't kill you and the rest of your friends." as he began to load his gun and look away from Marceline. Marceline didn't see the two other men come into the room, one was Peter O'Donald, but the other was someone she'd never seen before. He was a tall, buff Italian man with ice green eyes, tan skin, black fluffy hair, and he wore a worn out leather jacket with muddy jeans and old shoes. He looked around forty five at the most, but he was clearly the same age as Michael, who looked around forty to forty three. 

"What are we going to do with her if she refuses to help us?" Peter asked. "Want to play Hit the Target, Peter? I'll let Jasper have the last shot," Michael joked. The Italian man shook his head, and spoke in a thick accent, "I'm not killing an innocent kid, Rose!" "I know that, but I've been wanting this kid gone for eleven years, and now, if this girl tells us wher-" "You're not hurting him!" Marceline screamed, slamming her hands in the pavement. "Missy, are you the adult here? NO, so shut the hell up and listen to us," Peter said, pointing his switch blade at her. Marceline rolled her eyes, "I'd rather you kill me and spare him." "Really? Well kid, I think it'd be better if you tell us where he is, or it's you and all your friends dead to the sound of a gunshot. And I won't mind murdering Alex, she's been alive for long enough. Like Samantha," Michael said, walking back over to Marceline with a map. Michael grabbed Marceline by her shirt collar and dragged her over to a small table that sat in the center of the room. He set the map on the table and said, "The red X is where we are, you just need to show us where you're hiding." She shook her head, "No, I won't do it!" "Rose, c'mon! She's just a kid! And what about Samuel? Huh? He's not Mickey, Michael! Mikey left Vegas because of his depression and P.T.S.D., you better not cause that for her," the Italian man called out, walking over to Michael. "Jasper, stay out of this! Mikey broke my heart when he left! And now, I'm just returning the favor for his offspring," Michael said, giving Jasper the backhand across the head. Jasper was stunned, but only for a second, as he got up off the floor and watched as poor Marceline was forced to give up the hiding spot. 

"Now Marceline, listen right now! If you don't show us the way, then you and your little lover are both dead! Hear me? Do it," Michael demanded, as he aimed his gun at her head. Marceline finally gave in and screamed, "FINE! YOU WANT ME TO SHOW YOU WHERE WE'RE HIDING? I'LL FUCKING SHOW YOU IF YOU PROMISE NOT TO-" she felt her strength begin to weaken as she spoke. Her voice began to tremble and shake as if her emotions had exploded inside her, "-if you promise not to hurt Samuel in any way, shape, or form. And do not harm any of my friends, they don't deserve to die like this. None of them do, not even Bailey. And she's been a bitch to me this whole time." Michael smiled, handing Marceline a red marker, "Do it." he demanded, as she wiped tears from her eyes with her bound hands. Marceline gently began to draw a line from the red X that marked the lighthouse, and dragged the line to Love Lock Bridge, but stopped there, and she jammed the marker into the map, saying, "There, right there. Are you fucking happy now, Michael Rose?" Michael nodded, and grabbed Marceline by her hands, "That will be all, my dear." Marceline spit in his eye, as she gave him a dirty look, "Don't you ever call me that, understand me when I say that to you, Rose!" Michael wiped spit out of his eye, then dragged Marceline over to where she was placed, but this time, a large crate was placed there. He opened a large hatch that was in the crate, and shoved her inside, saying, "Sleep well, we'll decide how you'll die tomorrow morning." and he slammed the crate's door shut. 

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