Chapter 16

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A week had passed until the group had come across the first hideout. The night was cold, dark, and devilish. Alex stopped the RV on the side of the road and set up camp, she searched the RV for extra ammunition, weapons, and even to disguise themselves with something. Alex found a huge stash of animal masks that Isaiah had, and decided that to blend in with the night, they'd put the masks over their faces in order to keep their identity hidden. "Everyone gather around," Alex said, as everyone sat by a fire circle. "I remember Isaiah telling us that masks can help hide your face, and make you more eager to get things done. That's how the won the battle-like rebellion. They put on animal masks in order to stay out of the public," she explained, pulling out the shoe box full of masks from under her seat. "What masks would we use?" Isaac asked. Alex skimmed the trees and the landscape and said, "The animals of the night, like owls, doves, snakes, and foxes." "Sounds good, when do we plan the attack?" Samuel asked. "Right now," Alex said, opening the box.

Alex went to Samuel first, and took a marble fox mask and handed it to him. She handed a white fox mask to Marceline, a cobra mask to Jeff, a mountain lion mask to Isaac, an owl mask to C.J., and dove masks to Clancy and Bailey. And Alex gave herself a lioness mask. Everyone grabbed guns and knives, and Clancy grabbed gasoline and a lighter to light the place into flames. The hideout was an old fishers cabin. The lights were on so Alex could tell that some of the members were there. "Looks like grandma's home," Alex said, pulling out the map from her back pocket. She read the map and saw that they were at the right place. Bailey saw that a white flag with the gang symbol was on it, as the flag blew in the wind. "Okay, we're creating an ambush. Clancy, you take Bailey, Isaac, and C.J. to the back. I'll take Samuel, Marceline, and Jeff to the front. Jeff, create a diversion on the left side of the cabin. There's a back door that leads to the left side of the cabin I can see. Once someone walks out, shoot them or stab them, whatever it takes to get the job done. The rest of us will bust in through the walls and windows and doors and take down the place. Got it?" Alex explained. They all nodded and crept up to the cabin. 

Marceline grabbed a shovel from the front of the house and held it close to the door to break it down. Samuel and Jeff loaded their guns, Bailey cleaned off the blade she had, Clancy unscrewed the gasoline container, and had the lighter ready in his hand. C.J. created a sling shot from a sock and filled his pockets with pebbles, hoping to pull some David and Goliath stuff. Alex gave Jeff the ready set go, and Jeff banged his fist on the side window. He saw a tall buff man with several scars on his face coming to the door. He had the tattoo and was holding a shotgun in his hands. Jeff ducked under the window and waited. Then, the side door creaked open and the man stood outside and skimmed the treeline. The man had closed the door behind him so no one could get caught by the rest of whoever was in that cabin. Clancy ran up behind the man and hit him in the head with a baseball bat. The man was knocked out, but was shot by Alex who had the pistol in her hands. 

"Let's go!" she called, as she started breaking down the door. Everyone climbed into the cabin and saw that four gang members were in there, ready for them. Marceline was the first to strike. She swung the shovel into one of the men's face and broke his nose, creating a loud cracking noise that made Marceline cringe. Isaac was grabbed and nearly stabbed, but he tripped the man and threw half of his body out the window and shot him in the stomach. The room was filled with the smell of beer and the sound of gunshots fired. Clancy ran around the cabin with the gasoline pouring out of the container as he ran. He motioned for Alex to wrap it up and they all ran out of the cabin, leaving the place looking like hell. Isaac was stuck in the door way because of the door getting jammed, and the remaining gang members attacked him. He was scratched by knives, kicked, punched, and almost shot. C.J. ran into the cabin with the sling shot and fired rocks at the men, hitting two in the head. This gave Bailey and Jeff time to attack the others and for Samuel to try and get Isaac free from the doorway. Marceline saw someone running to the RV and saw it wasn't any of them. She ran after the person and saw it was one of the men. She grabbed the man by the leg and stabbed him in the back, and shoved out of the RV. Once Isaac and the others were freed, Clancy took out the lighter, lit it, and threw it on the gasoline trail, causing the cabin to go up in flames. Everyone stood in front of the fire, unafraid of it. Their face paint glowed in the flames as the fire ate up the cabin with the remaining men inside like a lion devouring a zebra. Or how a tsunami absorbs a city, it was a sight to see. 

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