Chapter 26

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The sun began to set as Clancy gathered sticks and leaves for the fire pit. Johnathan cleaned off the skewers and set the near the lawn chairs that were set out by Alex. "So Alex where'd you get the hot dogs?" Johnathan asked as he placed the last skewer next to the fire pit. Alex shrugged, "I just kept them cold in a cooler coated in ice." Johnathan nodded and went back inside, but Alex could tell he was up to something, something that made her arm hairs stand on end.

"Guys, the fire's started!" Clancy called from the fire pit. The group walked out of the house and came to the fire pit, which was much larger than it looked before it was lit. Alex grabbed the cooler full of hot dogs and drinks and placed it behind the chair she was sitting in. Meanwhile in the house's kitchen, Bailey had to treat Samuel and Marceline for the cuts from the thorns. Bailey pulled out the thorns with a pair of tweezers and put disinfect on their arms. Samuel wasn't as cut up as Marceline, since she was the one who fell arms first into the rose bushes. "Okay Marceline, let the disinfect sit for about thirty minutes and then bandage your arms so the wounds wont get infected," Bailey explained as she put away the bottle of disinfect. "You good?" Samuel asked, getting off the counter top. Marceline shrugged, "It still stings but I'll live." Samuel smiled and they all three ran outside to the fire. Marceline sat next to Isaac, who was roasting a marshmallow over the fire. "Want one?" Isaac asked. She nodded as Isaac handed Marceline a warm marshmallow. Jeff turned on the small portable radio that was next to him and relaxed in the chair. 

"Great night for a fire pit huh guys?" Jeff said as he leaned back. Alex nodded, "Yep, but I'm getting bored. Anyone got any good stories?" "Not really stories but I just remembered that Marceline used to wear winged eyeliner, back when we were in Japan, our friend Oka gave her a bottle of liquid liner. It looked good on her too," Isaac explained. Marceline sighed, "Ah those were the days when I could actually do something this mess on my face. But hey, it was fun while it lasted." "Marceline, what was life like before all of this?" Clancy asked. Marceline shrugged, "Well, I lived in the hippie area of Utah with Isaac and Jeff. Isaac lived in the trailer home close to our school with his drunken aunt and uncle. Jeff lived with his aunt closer to downtown, and I lived in the hippie neighborhood with my grandparents, who spoke in thick accents. We were friends with the smart and theater kids: Lapiz, Ivory, Stephen, Beau, Don, Vincent, Archie, and Jeff's adorable little friend Trevor. Lapiz was supposed to have the name of the gemstone, Lapis Lazuli, but instead she spelled her name with a Z instead of and S for some reason, but she was very laid back and wore a more boho style in clothes. She was tan, had teal eyes and long black hair. She always wore earth colored eye shadow that made her eyes pop like teal gems. Ivory was a more vintage girl. She had fair skin, blond hair and grey eyes. She wore vintage dresses and pants and the same green plaid shirt with everything. Stephen was short with dark hair, freckles, ice green eyes and light skin. He was in theater and played Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Don was a ginger but had darker hair and less freckles. He was the same height a Jeff, maybe a bit taller, and was the smartest kid in science class. Beau was part Indian, so he was just a cool guy in general. Vincent and Archie were twins, but Archie bleached his one black hair, and he didn't have a gap in his teeth. Then there was Trevor, a short pale skinned boy with umber hair, pale gold eyes, and a cute little smile. He came out as bi to his mega religious parents and they hated him for it. So he ran away with his older sister to Santa Monica. It was hard on Jeff." 

"Sounds like school wasn't hellish for you, huh?" Bailey asked. Isaac shook his head with huge eyes, "Nope, it was hellish. Our average lit teacher sucked ass and our algebra teacher was always sick. That and if you were a football kid or an AP kid, they cared about you. But if you were just a kid trying to get through seventh and eighth grade, they did not give two shits about you. You were just a number and a paycheck. I know from experience because my entire civics class was in summer school, for seventh grade. Our civics teacher was an English four teacher and did not want to teach civics. So she half-assed our assignments to the point where nobody passed, the entire seventh grade class was in summer school for the whole month of June.  And I remember that since I was held back in third grade, my civics teacher came up to me personally and told me this right in front of the entire civics class, "Mr. Scott I can see why you were held back in third grade, you can't spell and these tests prove that." I was so pissed off that I said, "I have dyslexia, lady. My entire blood line has dyslexia." She also would bash Marceline about how she was "too skinny." FIRST OF ALL, Marceline I think you have a perfect body, SECOND OF ALL, SHE HAS NO FUCKING RIGHT TO MAKE FUN OF A STUDENT'S BODY. She came up to Marcy in between classes when she was talking to Ivory and Stephen and said, "Miss McLoughlin, I think you should gain a few pounds. Because I know that boys would date you if you gained some weight. I'm not saying you're too skinny, I'm just saying you should gain a few." She was pissed, Lapiz was pissed, Ivory was pissed, the entire hallway was pissed. So, Marcy being the feisty one responded with a simple, "Well fuck you too Mrs. Glover." and walked off with the entire hall going, "HOLY SHIT HAHAHA!!" So that was junior high for us." 

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