Chapter 27

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Jeff began to wake up to a tapping at the bedroom door. He shot up in bed, scared it was Johnathan, but sighed with relief once he heard Clancy's voice. "Hey, Jeff is you're awake open the door. We're leaving soon. So grab your bags and lets go," Clancy whispered as he tried to crack open the door. Jeff responded with a simple, "Okay." and began to get out of bed. He looked over at Samuel's bed and saw that he was still holding onto Marceline in a protective way. Jeff snickered, "I guess this is the closest he'll get to her at this point." Jeff nudged Samuel's shoulder and whispered, "Hey man, wake up. Clancy said we're leaving soon." Samuel groaned as he began to sit up in bed with his curly hair mangled into knots and covering his eyes. He looked to his left and saw Marceline asleep in the bed next to him. Then he looked at Jeff and asked, "How can I move?" "Just crawl over Marceline, then wake her up," Jeff replied as he grabbed his bag from the corner of the room. Samuel slowly stretched his lanky body over Marceline, nearly falling head-first onto the floor, but he caught himself with his hands. His legs hit Marceline's back and she began to wake up. "Samuel, what the fuck are you doing?" she asked in a tired voice. "I tried to get out of bed without waking you," he whispered, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. Marceline sat up in bed and said, "Your mission failed." "I'll get 'em next time," Samuel joked. Marceline snickered and began to get out of bed, starting to forget last night. But once Alex came into the room with a bruised leg, Marceline remembered, and it made her skin turn whiter than a sheep. 

The group snuck out of the upstairs with their bags, trying to avoid Johnathan, who was still knocked out in Marceline's room. Once the group had gotten outside, they all darted for the RV that was up and running, with Isaac behind the wheel. Once everyone got inside, Alex slammed the door shut and locked it, she covered the windows with black screens and dimmed the lights and looked out the front window and saw the front door slam open. "Oh shit, he's awake, and he's pissed off," Alex mumbled. "Alex we have to confront him, everyone knows now, we have to do something," Samuel said as he clutched Marceline's wrist. Alex sighed and looked at the pistol that was in her jacket's pocket. She unlocked the door and motioned for the others to follow her. Jeff looked up and saw the sun beginning to rise and said, "Alex, we might want to do this now." Alex nodded, "I know, I know. If he tries to hurt anyone of you, defend yourself." Johnathan looked at Alex and the others and stormed the other way, clutching his sweater's sleeves. They all followed Johnathan until he stopped at the sewage pipe, and stared at the pipe, then turned his head at looked at Alex. 

"Why don't you leave me be?" Johnathan asked, gritting his teeth. "Johnathan we all know what you did, but they don't know about K.C.," Alex explained in a stern voice. Johnathan turned around and held up a lighter and said, "Alex, all I ask of you is to let me have a word with Marceline." "Hell no!" Isaac screamed, standing in front of his friend, who was holding Samuel's hand in fear. Johnathan gritted his teeth, "I'm not asking you, I'm asking Alex." Alex sighed and said, "If you harm her in any way, you're dead." Marceline didn't move, she clung to Samuel's right arm as Johnathan lurked over to her. Instead of telling her in front of her friends, Johnathan shoved Samuel away from Marceline and dragged her by arms. He stopped and lifted her up by her right arm and opened up the lighter, with everyone watching in horror. Marceline stared into Johnathan's ice green eyes and asked, "W-what are you going to do to me?" "What I should've done to Alex, but since you care more about her than yourself, I guess you wouldn't mind if I burned you alive," he said as he held the lighter closely to Marceline's hair. Marceline tried to escape his grasp, but Johnathan held onto her arm tightly, and whispered, "There is a way I can prevent you from burning, I can save you from this flame and the ones in the afterlife. Choose me, or the fiery death." Marceline spit in Johnathan's eye and said, "I'd rather rot away in hell then be with you." 

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