Chapter 15

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Two weeks passed and nothing but hell happened. It rained for three days and three nights, it flooded the roads, it tore down trees, and worst of all, damaged the front of the RV. Alex had to park the RV on the side of the road to fix the engine in the freezing cold rain. A few Bloody Rose's spotted them and ambushed the RV. But the thing about this, was that Michael was with them and he wasn't playing around. 

"Take the RV," Michael ordered. The ten men surrounded the RV and kept the group from leaving. "Alright, you got us," Alex said, holding her hands up. "Such a shame, I had fun messing with you for years, Alexandra," Michael said, as he reached in his jacket pocket. "But now, the fun's over," he added, pulling out a pistol. He aimed the gun at Alex, but the gun was shot out of his hand by someone. Michael looked in front of him and saw Jeff, his own nephew, holding a gun and pointing it at him. "Leave them alone!" Jeff yelled as he gave his uncle a snarled lip. "Jeffery, is that, really you?" Michael asked. "Who else could it be, bitch?" Jeff asked, gritting his teeth. Michael walked over to Jeff and said, "You look just like Javier, but you have Jasmine's coloring." Jeff stepped back, "I know what you're trying to do, and it wont work on me!" "Smart boy, smarter than I thought. But being friends with Webb isn't a very smart thing to do, you're putting your own life on the line," Michael said. Jeff spat in Michael's eye, "I don't care! Samuel's nice to everyone, good, decent people! And guess what, I'm an asshole to people but he still cares about me! And I care about him, he's never put any of us in danger, not on purpose. You on the other hand, have been doing that since the day you were born." Michael wiped his eye, and grabbed Jeff by his shirt collar and said, "You think it's my fault that I'm after Samuel? What his dad did to me is unforgiving! And for that, I'll kill you just as easy, you little bitch." Michael threw Jeff on the gravel road, and set his foot on his stomach. "Leave him alone!" Samuel yelled, running and attacking Michael. Michael dodged the attack, and kicked Samuel across the field near the river rapids. Bailey handed Alex the axe from the RV, and Alex ran up and hit Michael across the head with the dull part of the blade. Michael fell to the ground, feeling the back of his head.

 Jeff got up, and loaded the gun. "Now Jeff, you wouldn't kill your own uncle will you?" Michael asked as he began to sit up on his knees. Jeff shrugged, "I don't know. The shit you've done to my family in the past makes you want death. But I wont, even though I don't consider you family anymore. What you've done to Samuel, your brother, your sister-in-law, and me in the past makes me sick thinking about you." "But Jeff, haven't you noticed something about both of us?" Michael began, "That smirk of yours, you got that from me, your sarcasm, attitude, and lust towards women is something I've always had. And the eyebrow cock you do, you got that from me as well. I'm a part of you Jeffery, always will be, and always have been. I'll always be apart of your family, and there's nothing you can do about it." Jeff stared in shock at Michael, then snapped out of it and shot him in the leg. "Have fun," Jeff said. Michael struggled to get up, and looked and saw five of his ten men injured on the side of the road thanks to Alex, Samuel, and Clancy. "This isn't over!" Michael cried. "Oh, I think it is," Jeff said, walking into the RV. Everyone climbed into the RV and Alex drove off, leaving Michael for dead, but he wasn't dead. His other five men and himself walked the opposite direction and headed for one of the three hideouts.

"Jeff, you okay?" Isaac asked. "I shot him, I shot that snake, that lying, devilish snake," Jeff said, staring out the window at the rain. "Hey, listen man, you stood up for not just yourself, but us as well. I couldn't do that because I'd be too scared, but you're tough man, you're really tough," Isaac said. Jeff smiled and fell asleep on the couch. "Well I hope we never have hell on earth like this again," Alex said. "So how far's the first hideout Alex?" Samuel asked, sitting in the passenger seat. "Not very far, only a few more miles straight. But we need to stay cautious, and if it's a cave, we can just throw firecrackers in that fucker and watch it burst into flames," Alex explained as she drove. Bailey kept replaying what happened in her head. "We were almost killed," she said to herself. "Bailey, I know you hate me and shit, but are you feeling okay?" Marceline asked. Bailey rolled her eyes, "As if you'd care." "I do care, and listen, we wont let anyone die on this roller coaster, okay?" Marceline said. Bailey looked down at her feet, "You really care about how I feel right now?" Marceline nodded, "Yeah, I'm not a heartless bitch." "Well, I'm just scared, we've been doing this for almost two months now and since you've come, it's been hell, but heaven at the same time. But I wish that I treated people right, K.C. hated me because I called her a slut, Isaiah just gave up on trying to help me because I acted like I didn't need his help with anything. And Johnathan, I treated the worst. I thought he was a creep but he was just depressed and a bit, mentally crazy. He couldn't help himself because his mind made him do shit that he couldn't control. I feel, like I can't be nice to people. I wish they stayed, I wanted them too, I wanted them to stay longer in this world." "Well, you can't choose what stays and what fades away, Bailey, I've told that to people in the past but they've never listened," Marceline said. 

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