Chapter 17

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"Hey, anyone like waffles?" Clancy asked the next morning. The minute he said waffles, Isaac slid out of his room in his socks and said, "I'll take three." "Their Eggo's, Isaac. So I can make at least four," Clancy said. "I don't care, I haven't had a waffle in ages," Isaac said, resting his right arm on the counter top. "Well, you can help me make them if you want," Clancy said, getting a pan out of the cabinet above the sink. "Our microwave is shit so... we have to use pans to cook stuff if you ask," Clancy explained, turning on the stove. Isaac shrugged and opened the box. "So... you think Alex will be okay?" Isaac asked, setting two waffles on the pan. Clancy nodded, "Yeah, Bailey can be a bitch, but I love her anyway. Plus, Bailey's done this to pretty much everyone that ever lived in this RV. When Isaiah explained the situation with his family, she just laughed and said, "Well I guess Gypsy's are as bad as they sound." She said that to Isaiah, who was a Gypsy, that watched his brother almost get burned to the stake. And of course the last few days when K.C. was still alive, before her suicide, Bailey kept calling her a pig because she kept eating so much. But K.C. was eating her feelings, like I do sometimes," Clancy explained. "By the way Clancy, you think Marceline over reacted when she slapped Bailey?" Isaac asked. He shook his head, "Nope, Bailey'd crossed the line last night so she deserved to get some since knocked into her. By the way, has Marceline always been the winner of an argument?" "Yeah, sometimes. She's just pretty ambitious, which isn't a bad thing if you're living with someone who literately kissed the man you're in love with," Isaac explained, turning a waffle over with the spatula. "Marceline is in love with Samuel? Because I think it's the other way around," Clancy said. "It is- shit," Isaac said, covering his mouth with his hand after he said "It is." "Wait, Samuel likes Marceline?" Clancy asked. "Shhh, he might be asleep but he can still hear," Isaac said, covering Clancy's mouth with a napkin. "Wait, how do you know?" Clancy asked. Isaac hesitated, then mumbled, "He told me a few weeks ago." "Well, shouldn't he tell her?" Clancy asked. "Clancy ask him, because I don't know," Isaac said. 

Soon everyone woke up and ate the waffles fresh from the pan. Alex was the last to wake up because she'd been crying half the night and didn't sleep. "Mornin' guys," Jeff said, sitting at the table with his hair in his face. Samuel had slept on his back half the night and his hair was all over the place. "Dude, you need to comb your hair," Jeff said, drinking a glass of water. "I don't feel like it, plus it'll be a bigger frizz ball than this if I do," Samuel explained, falling onto the couch next to C.J. "I'm sorry Samuel, but can I please comb your hair, it's bugging me," Isaac said. Samuel shrugged, "Be my guest, but the comb might get stuck in one of my curls. Just saying." Isaac rolled his eyes and grabbed the comb he had in his bunk bed. He sat down behind Samuel and ran the comb through one of the curls. Of course, it was tangled worse than computer cables because curly hair's always the worst thing to comb or brush. Isaac finished and threw the comb across the RV, hitting Jeff on his leg. "Well, no tangles or knots anymore, just frizz. Lot's of it," Isaac said. "I told you, that's why I never comb my hair. Curly hair's the worst when it comes to trying to comb or brush it. It's like I have a pile of cables and wires in my hair that wont fucking uncoil," Samuel explained. Isaac nodded and looked out the window. Soon Alex got back to driving and the group was off once again.

A few hours passed and the RV came to a sudden stop. No one said a word, until Samuel saw a concerned look on Alex's face appear from the rear view mirror. "Alex, you okay?" Samuel asked. "Shh, hear that?" Alex asked, turning the radio down. It was quiet, until the sound of at least three vehicles sounded down the road. "Alex, we've got company," Isaac said, looking out the window. Alex looked out the side window into the mirror, and saw two jeeps racing towards them a few miles behind. "Everyone brace yourselves," she said, stepping on the gas. "Samuel, you know the drill," Alex said, handing him his pistol. Samuel nodded and motioned for Isaac and Marceline to follow him up to the roof of the RV. They both climbed onto the roof in order to direct Samuel with his shooting. Samuel shot two of the tires on the first jeep, and saw it swerve into a ditch on the side of the road. The other jeep was shot down by Isaac shooting the tires in order to give Samuel a break, then it was handed to Marceline, who had shot the driver by accident, but didn't kill him. "I was aiming for the engine but okay, that works too," she said, shrugging. Samuel laughed, "Well, at least they've crashed?" Marceline nodded and they all climbed back into the RV. A few more hours passed until Alex stopped the RV again on the side of the road. "We're almost out of gas, and two of the jerry kegs are out of gas. We have one left and it won't help very much. So, resource stock," Alex said, parking the RV next to a gas station. Alex gave Marceline the money and said, "Get healthy stuff, but also the good shit. Oreo's and Frito's." Marceline nodded and walked into the store, with Bailey, C.J., and Clancy following. 

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