Chapter 9 - You're Hot! Why cold?

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Here’s a new chapter! Thank you so much guys for following my story! I really hope you’re having a great time every update in the story of the hot Jared and gorgeous Adrianna.

Enjoy reading! Don’t forget to COMMENT AND VOTE!!


 I woke up to the sound of the kettle whistling. Or maybe, I haven’t slept at all because when I do, I will totally not be awakened by just that sound. So, my back lumped, I walked directly into the kitchen. There’s Jenna preparing our breakfast.

“hi Uncle Seth. Good morning.” I said it with not much of a great mood because in the first place, I’m not in the mood to talk at all. But I don’t want to be rude so I greeted him again over the phone.

 “hey, Seth.” Aunt Jenna said. “ call me later. I need to do something. “ then Jenna turned off the pphone.

 “Please, don’t stop what you’re doing. I’m glad you two are patching things u vey well.”

 “hey, sweetie. You haven’t greeted me a good morning. You greeted Seth over me?” Jenna said pretending as if she’s hurt.

 “Oh..” that’s the only thing I can manage to say. Jenna walked towards me, patted my back and we sat again on the couch.

 “How are you doing, honey?” she asked.

 “I’m great.” I said quickly.

 “You don’t want to talk yesterday. I get that. I let you sleep it off. Not today, honey. Spill it.” Jenna spoke with gentleness that I can’t hold back my tears.

 “He’s so unfair, Jen. He’s not worth it. “ I said, sobbing my heart out.

 “Why? Tell me.” she said, caressing my back, very comforting.

 “I thought he’ll treat me differently. I actually thought that we could be something. I’m so stupid. He’ll always be a boy wanting to take advantage. It sucks.”

 “Take advantage?”

 “He kissed me, Jen.” I shouted. I couldn’t contain the anger that’s been eating me all night. I don’t know why I am so mad because he kissed me. I have experienced it before. Maybe I’m not mad because of what he did. Maybe I’m mad because he did it without out of just desire, and not love. I don’t know. It sucks.

 “Oh, honey. If you don’t want have anything to do with him, then don’t talk to him.” Jenna’s speaking with conviction. “In fact, why not focus on your plan to be this year’s valedictorian, that’s the sweetest revenge that you can give to him. Don’t waste your time and energy thinking about him.”

“yea, that’s just easy, Aunt Jenna.” I said with sarcasm.

“Why?” she’s curious with my intonation, I said.

“Well, first thing, we’re in the same class all the time, how can I stay away?”

“It will be okay. It’s not just the two of you in class. Act as if he doesn’t exist.”

“Okay, maybe. I will.”

“Valedictorian, baby.” Aunt Jenna tried to cheer me up. I smiled and hugged her tightly. I will forever be grateful that she’s my aunt.

So, we ate our breakfast , me trying my best to act naturally. I was on my room when the picture of last night strike back at me. What was it? I can’t help but wonder. What was his plans? What it he’s hurting like me. What if, he’s been hurt badly? Was it on me? Well, it’s his fault. But what if it hurt him so bad? Ugh, this can’t be happening. I should not care for someone who mistreated me. But I can’t help it.

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