Chapter 11 - Come back to me, Jerk!

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Thank you so much for appreciating the intense chapter! Here’s the continuation of the story!

Sit back. Relax and enjoy reading this one. 


You’ve always been special to me.

Please, don’t shut me out. I love you so bad that …

 What did he think he is doing? I know he’s drunk. He’s drunk. He baffles when he’s drunk. Everyone says anything out of nothing when they’re under the influence of alcohol.

Wait, is he a drunkard? Nope, not his type. Is he?

Why is his voice too hoarse? Did he cry? Definitely not. He’s drunk. That’s more like it. But why? Jared Parker is not the kind of person who drinks too much whenever he wants.

And what about those words he said? Are those real? Ugh. I can’t put myself into sleep. And what did he mean when he said I love you so bad that… that what? Ugh. That jerk.

The next morning, I got up from the bed earlier than usual. Again.

“You’re too early for school again, honey, don’t you think?” Jenna said when I sat on the chair on the kitchen table.

“Good morning to you, too.” I greeted her. “I’m not much into sleep lately, I guess.” My joke didn’t sound convincing and I got nothing from her. Not even a smile.

 “What’s wrong?” I asked. “you seemed too serious.”

 “What’s wrong, honey?” she threw back the question at me. “ is it still Jared?” she pushed on.

 I didn’t know what to say to that. I just bowed my head then I felt everything that I felt when he told me those things again. It sucks to care so much for a person.

“Honey, you don’t need to think about it at all, you know that right?” Jenna’s voice is too gentle.

“I worry about you. You don’t sleep enough. You don’t eat enough. That’s not you. That’s not part of any of your plans. Come on, cheer yourself up.”

 “Jared said something last night.” I blurted out. I wish I just shit my mouth because I have to tell Jenna everything now.

“What did he say?”

 “He told me… things.” I decided not to tell her. I can’t. it’s unbearable on my part. She didn’t reply to what I said. And after quite some time, when she finished her cooking, she cheered up suddenly.  

“ I have an idea!” she said, giggling.

 “okay, you’re starting to creep me out. One sec you’re quiet as a mime and the next, you’re the happiest woman in the world.”

“Whatever. Let’s have a girls’ weekend. Just the two of us. We both need some breaks, you know.” She’s nudging me now.

“I think we both need that indeed. I’ll go.” I said flatly.

“You’ll go?” Jenna said with the same tone I used. Dead tone.

“Yes!” I shouted. “enough?” I smiled at her.

“That’s my girl. Can’t wait!” Jenna’s excited, I can tell. Anyone can tell, actually.

I prepared myself to go to school, feeling a bit lighter because I’m now looking forward to our trip this weekend. I was stuck looking back for days. Looking back as to why jared kissed that girl, and the phone call last night. I had the chance to breathe in some fresh air. I walked my way into school today. I don’t know why, I feel like walking, the sun shines proudly yet the temp’s not hot and it’s windy. So I decided I need some fresh air. Besides, I am too early to be in school, anyway. Thanks to that Jerk who made me wake up early in the morning. Wait, let me rephrase that. Thanks to that Jerk who made me not sleep soundly at night that I have no other choice but to get up from the bed early in the morning and let my mind think of something else, or someone else for that matter.

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