Chapter 3 - Marina Del Rey

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Hey Babe, How's the beach? :D


Meh, haven't made it there yet.


Everything ok, you don't sound yourself? :(


Just been thinking, dw.


No, spill, I always cheer you up in more ways than one, wink, wink. ;)


Well... see, that's what I've been thinking about. Do you think its wrong the way we act online?


NO! What we have is perfect. You're hot for me and I crave all of you. End of story.


But that's just it, maybe the story doesn't end there for me, maybe I want more!!


I'm confused... Are you hot for me or not?


That has NOTHING to do with it!!! Oh nvm, I have to get to bed.


So what? No loving tonight?


NO! GOD! No loving tonight, alright.


Turning away from the computer screen, Claire felt bad about the way she left things with Trojan and no doubt he was just as confused over what just happened as she was. All these emotions were flooding her mind after what Lisa had said to her. It made her really think about what she was doing and after talking to Trojan, realization was setting in that perhaps it was all wrong. Trojan seemed interested in only one thing. Getting off...

That never seemed to bother Claire before, but now irritation was setting in at the fact that she was the one being used. Sighing heavily and rubbing her eyes, she flipped her laptop down and curled into the silken comforts of her bed. This room that she had picked seemed to be soothing her soul and she was happy to call it home for a week. Closing her eyes she could hear the washing of the waves onto the nearby shore, the gentle ocean breeze whispering through her window and the feel of the easy rocking motion of the boat. Within moments all her worries were being swept away as she lost herself into a deep sleep.


Walking on a stranded island, feeling soft sand through Claire's freshly painted toes and holding hands with... she had to be dreaming because standing beside her was the most perfect male specimen she had ever seen. He had to be at least a foot taller than her, sun bronzed skin, wavy dirty blond hair and his body, she couldn't keep her eyes off his body. Perfectly sculpted, not overly muscular but lean and well toned. Claire felt herself melting in the sand and it wasn't from the sun.

Looking up, he was turning his gaze to her and she was met with the most intense, electric blue eyes she had ever seen. Looking to the ocean was nothing like looking into the depths of his stare.

Just as he was leaning into her for a kiss, WHOMP, Claire was rudely awakened by Lisa jumping on her bed and vigorously shaking her awake.

"Wake up squirt, we're heading into town for breakfast, and could you try to at least look a smidge respectable. I DO have to walk beside you today and I refuse to be brought down because of YOUR looks!". Lisa jumped from her bed, gave a mocking toss of her blonde hair and slammed the bedroom door closed.

All Claire had time to do was stick her tongue out at Lisa before she left. Why did Lisa have to deliberately go out of her way to make her life hell she thought. Rolling out of bed was extremely hard especially after the startling dream she was experiencing that also felt so amazingly real.

Claire had very similar dreams in the past.  Dreams that seemed so real.  Then later those dreams would end up happening, maybe not exactly, but similar.  She hadn't had a dream that became reality in years, but she was hoping this dream would be one of those times.

Claire slipped on a light summer dress, brushed her hair and freshened up her face but refused to apply makeup just to spite Lisa. She absolutely refused to bow down to Lisa's demands.

Reaching the upper deck, Claire walked by Lisa, not even looking her way but knew all too well the nasty look she was giving her. Claire didn't care about her appearance, it wasn't like she was going to meet any guys. They were just going for breakfast.

Claire's mom and dad walked up ahead while Lisa and Claire were left trailing behind. As they walked along the freshly stained dock, countless yachts were coming and going into the harbour. Some of them had party goers living it up, others with families enjoying a ride, and one had a romantic couple taking a relaxing cruise along the ocean. Claire could almost envision herself with a guy (her boyfriend) taking a long, slow scenic tour of the beach front. That is if she had a boyfriend! Trojan definitely didn't fit into the boyfriend category. She didn't even know his real name, seen what he looked like or heard his voice. Claire couldn't even remember where she first met him.

Strolling through the docks of Marina Del Rey brought a peace to Claire's tattered spirits. She found herself lost among the activity that was going on around her, that she barely noticed a guy sanding down one of the boats on the dock. Claire stopped in her tracks as realization set in, that the person working on the boat, was the guy in her dreams just this morning. She could only see his back from where she was standing, but could tell it was him. The way his tall lean muscled body rippled as he applied pressure to the wood as he sanded. His curly dirty blond hair as it flowed in the ocean breeze.

"Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there like an idiot!" Lisa woke her up from her trance and also got the attention of the guy sanding as he lifted his head to turn and look her way. " SHIT" Claire immediately looked down and put her hand to the side of her face as she realized that she didn't put any makeup on before she left. Running past the boat and away from his gaze, Claire glared at Lisa as Lisa looked back at the guy and lifted a knowing smile from her lips.

Perfect, just what she needed, something more for her sister to tease her about. The thought didn't last long as butterflies were invading her stomach. A smile formed on her lips and a blush touched her cheek as she couldn't believe that the guy of her dreams was actually here in the beautiful Marina Del Rey.

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