Chapter 15 - I Promise

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Claire knew it, she could feel it.  The video light was on in her dream.  He must have used his laptop as a camera to watch her and then after she woke up and started screaming, he came to the room.  But how was he using her laptop to watch her, Claire was questioning herself.  Its not like he could have got to her laptop to turn it on.

"Claire, I don't know how he could be using your laptop to watch you.  If you don't mind, I would like to take it with me.  There is a guy on the squad who specializes in identity theft, and also deals with computer hacking.  Perhaps he can see what's going on in your computer and if this guy is actually watching you." Claire felt the blood drain from her body when the officer mentioned hacking.  Could Trojan be actually hacking into her computer.  She didn't want to admit to it, but she was having the feeling that was exactly what he was doing.

"Yes, please take it.  I have my tablet to use anyway.  I don't want it around if he is truly watching me.  How long do you think it will take before your friend finds out what's wrong with my laptop?" Claire was praying inside that the officers could find out what was going on before her dream became reality.

"I'm hoping by tomorrow.  I will personally make sure your case becomes priority.  From what you've told me today Claire.  I have a feeling that we don't have much time on our hands." Officer Riley rose from his chair and started to pack up her laptop.  Claire began to sit up as the pain seemed to be subsiding with the added medication that Miranda had given her.  The officer finished up with the laptop and moved over to the bed and shook Ashton's hand.  Then he held out his hand for Claire.  Claire gave her hand to him for a shake as well, but instead he held it with his other hand on top.  Very much like her father might do.  "Claire... I know you're frightened, but we are going to try our best to solve this.  If this guy from your laptop is the one that tampered with the stove, then we will find out.  We won't let him harm you again."  The officer gave her a concerned smile and then let go of her hands.  "I hope to see you tomorrow, and I hope I can bring you good news." Officer Riley said as he made his way out of the room and shut the door behind him.  Claire closed her eyes, let her head lay back on the pillow and breathed a sigh of relief.  She prayed to God that he would bring her good news tomorrow.

"Claire, I think you should message your mother to let her know that you're awake.  I told her that I would call.  I know she will be overjoyed to hear you're awake." Ashton said and Claire realized with Officer Riley's visit, she completely forgot how worried her mother was.  Claire wanted to see her just as badly.

"Do you know where my purse is Ashton?  My tablet is in it.  I can message her.  She'll get it right away." Ashton reached down and grabbed her purse that must have been on the floor beside her bed.  He retrieved the tablet from within and handed it to her.  Claire typed I'mfinallyAwake with a big happy smile face beside it.  A couple of seconds later she received a message back from her mom.  Iwasjustheadingover with another big smile face beside it.

"Thank you for remembering Ashton.  With Officer Riley here, and talking about everything.  I forgot about my mom." 

"Don't worry about it Claire, you're going through a lot.  That's the least I could do.  How about you get some rest before your mom gets here and I'll pick up some food so we can eat together." Claire was feeling drained already even though she had a weeks worth of sleep.  Obviously she needed some more, so she just nodded her head and closed her eyes.  She could feel Ashton kiss her forehead and then she barely heard him whisper "I love you" before she drifted off to sleep and Ashton left the room.

It only seemed like moments passed before she heard the door open and her mom and Lisa entered the room.  Her mom swiftly went over to her bed and took her in her arms just as Claire was opening her eyes.

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