Chapter 12 - Unconscious

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Warning.... PG13 now!

Claire gazed over the side of the boat and noticed how shallow it was on the side of the island that Ashton chose to anchor at.  Sand dunes could be seen dotting the shore line and small brightly coloured tropical fish could be seen swimming this way and that.  Ashton was preparing some last minute checks before they vacated the boat for the island.  Claire looked longingly at the island, a patch of thick luscious palm trees and vegetation grew throughout the center and white untouched sand lined the perimeter.  She was sure that this day was only a dream and that she would wake up any moment.  The day started with such uncertainty for Claire, unsure of Ashton's feelings, thinking that he might have stood her up.  Then to have Ashton ask her to be his girlfriend while surrounded by balloons and flowers.  Claire swept her fingers over the angel pendant that dangled from her neck thinking of how happy she was.  The happiest she had been in her entire life.

"Are you ready Claire to go to the island?" Ashton broke Claire from her thoughts as he set a basket of snacks and towels for them to take with them.

"I can't wait Ashton.  The island looks so beautiful and untouched." Claire said as she still looked longingly out over the water.

"Well... If you want to go, then you better get into your swim suit." Ashton said as he was taking his shirt off and tossing it on the deck.  Claire couldn't help but stare at Ashton's perfectly sculpted body.

Oh... ya, your right." Claire blinked and looked away before Ashton noticed her staring.  Ashton was watching her now as she went to undo her shorts.  She paused for a second, seeing Ashton's gaze lower to her fingers at her shorts.  He must have noticed her pause, because he looked up to her and gave her an embarrassed look.

"Sorry, I'll turn around" Ashton blushed a deep red as he turned around and made to look as if he was busy with the towels.  Claire chuckled to herself as she found the look of Ashton embarrassed so adorable.  She quickly undressed and laid her top and shorts on the deck beside Ashton's.  Adjusting her swim suit a little, she bent down to pick up the basket of snacks.  Ashton saw her and picked up the towels.

"Here Claire, you take the towels and I'll take the basket.  I'm taller and I can hold the basket above the water" Ashton reached over and exchanged their items.  Claire couldn't help but notice Ashton's eyes roving over her body.  She felt a bit self conscience but didn't want to appear bothered by it.  Actually... she wasn't bothered at all by Ashton looking at her, she was just hoping he liked what he saw.

Claire jumped in the water first and Ashton passed the basket down.  Once Ashton jumped in, she passed the basket back.  The water wasn't cold but felt refreshing as the day was getting hot.  Once they reached the island, they set up the blanket that was in the basket and took out some of the snacks they could have for lunch.  Claire's stomach was grumbling at this point and she was looking forward to the pasta salad that he had packed.  This was the second time he had packed lunch for the two of them, and she loved how thoughtful he was. 

After lunch, they sat and looked out at the waves coming in off the ocean.  They sat in peaceful silence, just content with each others company.  After a few minutes, Ashton stood up and held out his hand to her.

"Let's go for a walk?" Ashton questioned as he held out his hand.  Claire took it and lifted herself from the blanket.  Holding hands, they walked along the shore line and looked out to the never ending ocean.  No land or any other boats could be seen.  The only sound that could be heard was the washing of the waves along the shore and a few seagulls passing by.  Claire could feel the soft sand through her freshly painted toes that she had applied the previous night.  The thoughts of her dream came rushing back to her as she looked over to Ashton walking beside her.  Everything was as her dream was.  Ashton stopped to pull up a sea shell that was sticking out of the sand.  It was fairly large and reminded her of one of those sea shells that you listen to the ocean with.  After successfully pulling it out, he brushed it of excess sand and then handed it over to Claire.

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