Chapter 4 - The Volley

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When Claire's alarm went off the next morning, she knew that they were spending the day at the Marina Del Rey beach.  After narrowly escaping an embarrassing moment the previous day, she thought that maybe today she could spot Blondy again.  That was the name that Claire was now using for the guy that appeared in her dream.

Claire didn't get a chance to see him again when they returned from breakfast.  Well, at least he wasn't sanding the boat any longer.  She was actually relieved at that fact.  The rest of the day was spent out on the water as Dad decided to take them all on a tour of the harbour.  It was a beautiful day and she assumed the harbour was as well, but her mind kept going back to Blondy, that she really didn't even notice the sights.  That evening she could hear the familiar ping from her computer, signaling that there was an incoming message.  She had decided not to see who it was, assuming it was probably Trojan looking for more "love".

"Claire, honey, your Dad and I have decided to relax and clean up around here today, but you and Lisa can feel free to go up to the beach if you want."  Claire's mom was poised at her bedroom door still wearing her cotton pyjamas, a large mug of coffee in one hand and a toasted bagel in the other.

"Ya, squirt, maybe we can actually see if your skin will go any shade darker than ghostly white!"  Lisa laughed as she walked down the hallway already dressed in her red thong bikini.

"Pay no attention to her sweetheart.  You have absolutely beautiful skin.  Just make sure you bring along that SPF 50 sunscreen so you don't burn."  With that said her mom left the room, but she could still hear mumblings of her arguing with Lisa in the kitchen.

Claire's mom was always looking out for her.  She knew just how belittling Lisa could be to Claire. There wasn't much that could be done about Lisa's attitude though and that really made life suck sometimes.  Lisa had always teased Claire about how her skin would always burn and never tan.  Names such as "Gingy" and "Ghost" were always used in reflection to her tan line free body.  Lisa loved finding names for her and until she had braces to fix her teeth, Lisa always referred to her as "Gopher face".

Deciding to wear her one piece swim suit, Claire looked in the mirror one last time before meeting up with Lisa in the kitchen. 

" THAT, is what you are going to wear to the beach with, ME!"  Lisa gave her a disgusted look.  "How do you expect to get the attention of that hot guy you were staring at yesterday?"  Glancing over at her mom, Claire knew that Lisa was waiting for the right moment to bring it up.  " I was not staring at that guy.  I was admiring the boat!"  Claire charged back.  "Ya, if that was the case, then why did you bury your face in your hands as you walked by?"

"That's enough Lisa!"  Their mother interrupted.  "Now get on out of here before you waste your day fighting."  Lisa rolled her eyes at that, but grabbed her beach bag instead of arguing further.  Claire mouthed a "Thank you" to her mom, as she too grabbed her beach bag, was handed a bagel and made her way behind Lisa.

Del Rey beach was quiet when they arrived.  It was still early and Claire assumed that the locals wouldn't venture to the beach until noon.  That was fine by her though.  It gave her better beach options to set up her blanket, finish her bagel and lay back with her book.  Lisa, however, was impatiently waiting for others to arrive.  She had packed her volleyball and wanted to form a beach volleyball match.  Claire never did care too much for volleyball or any other sport for that matter.  She felt awkward and clumsy and steered clear of anything involving a ball.

"Are you going to play, or sit on your rump all day reading that horrid book?"  Clair glanced up at Lisa, seeing her toss the ball up in the air, motioning for Claire to join her.  Claire decided to ignore her and turned onto her stomach instead, so that she could read in peace.  Claire was forced to lay near the volleyball net, but that didn't mean she had to participate.

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