Chapter 19 - Peace

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Claire's hair was whipping in her face as the helicopter neared the boat.  Claire began jumping up and down, waving at Ashton and Officer Sanders.  Ashton gave her the biggest relieved smile but it was instantly turned into anger as his face went red, spotting Tyson pulling at the anchor.  Officer Sanders motioned to the pilot to bring the helicopter in lower.  The helicopter moved away from Claire, but came down over where Tyson was now pulling the anchor aboard the boat.  Just as Tyson set the anchor down and was running to the helm, Ashton jumped out from the helicopter and landed on Tyson, both falling hard on the deck.

Claire couldn't believe that Ashton jumped from so high up.  He didn't look hurt though as he instantly came to a standing position.  "You Fucking Bastard!!" Ashton yelled as Tyson began to stand as well.  Ashton didn't give him time to stand as he rammed his body into him as if he was doing a football tackle.  They both rolled on the deck, throwing fists at each other.  Ashton got a couple of good blows in when Claire noticed Officer Sanders jump down from the helicopter.  Standing up, Officer Sanders pulled his gun from his holster.  Claire froze and panicked as he pointed the gun at Ashton and Tyson fighting on the deck.  Claire ran from the helm, trying to get to Ashton.

"Don't move Claire!" The Officer yelled at her, as he held one hand up to her as the other hand was still pointing the gun.

"Tyson!!  Move away from Ashton!!  Its no use!  Its over!"  Officer Sanders exclaimed as Ashton started to move away from Tyson.  Claire was relieved that Tyson didn't put up a fight.  Officer Sanders cuffed Tyson and walked him towards Claire.  As they walked past, Claire could see pain and what looked like betrayal in Tyson's eyes. Deep down Claire felt regret and also personally responsible for what had happened.  If she hadn't lead Tyson on as she did when they were online, perhaps none of this would have happened.  The officer sat him down on one of the seats at the helm.

Claire turned and met gazes with Ashton.  She could hardly believe he was standing in front of her.  She had almost lost all hope of seeing him again.  She ran to him, wanting him to hold her, never wanting to be apart again.  She jumped into his arms and he picked her up off the ground as she wrapped her arms around his neck.  He held her so tight, Claire could feel his own anguish and relief straight to her soul.

"God... Claire... I thought I lost you forever!" Ashton said as he looked deep into her eyes and then kissed her hard.  He kissed her as if at any moment they would be torn apart again.  Claire could feel her own intensity as she kissed back in equal measure.

"Ashton... I thought I'd never see you again!" Claire exclaimed, but never leaving Ashton's lips.  Both of them not wanting to leave the others lips.

"Crmm... Crmm... I'd hate to break up this reunion..." Officer Sanders interjected.  "Then don't!" Ashton grinned while continuing to kiss Claire.  Then Ashton gave out a long sigh and brought Claire back to her feet.  Both turned to face Officer Sanders as he smirked and rolled his eyes.

"I just radioed the helicopter, and the boat that was following us will be here in ten minutes.  Can you manage to get this boat back to shore, while I take Tyson on the other one for questioning?" Officer Sanders was asking as Claire could see the helicopter moving away from the boat.  "Absolutely Officer.  I just need to make sure it has enough gas." Ashton remarked as they all made their way back to the helm.  Tyson was sitting with his head down, looking defeated.  He didn't even look up as they all entered the helm.

"How did you find me?  I mean... I just saw Officer Sanders on the video and you were sitting at your desk in your office?" Claire was confused at how he was at his office one minute and then the next he was at the boat.

"Like I said before Claire... I have a few tricks up my sleeve too.  I knew Tyson was watching, so I recorded a video and had it on continual playback.  I needed Tyson to believe that he had the upper hand."

"But how did you even figure out it was Tyson in the first place.  I gave you the description of the middle aged man?" Claire asked as she noticed Tyson lift his head in interest.

"That was all thanks to Ashton." Officer Sanders proclaimed as Ashton was shaking his head in agreement.  "You had asked Ashton to find out who paid for your hospital room, and Ashton found out it was none other than Tyson's father.  Then he put other pieces together.  The Whispering Web is also owned by Tyson along with the appliance store that sold Ashton the stove that was installed in the boat."

"I also found it very strange that Tyson was leaving so suddenly on a vacation by himself on The Duke.  Then there was the squeak I heard when I was aboard the boat.  After replaying it in my mind, I knew it wasn't the creaking of the boat." Ashton interjected, looking very proud of his detective skills.

"But that still doesn't explain how you found me in the middle of the ocean!" Claire was impressed so far and wanted to see how they managed this impossible task.

"I'd like to know the same thing!" Tyson broke his silence with a look of disgust at Officer Sanders.

"Well Mr. Black Hat... I've got to give it to you... You're good... but I'm better.  Us White Hats can be even more creative.  Did you happen to hear Claire's Skype going off from time to time?" Claire's eyes opened wide in shock.  Why was Officer Sanders bringing up her Skype, Claire thought.  Tyson just gave the Officer an unresponsive stare, not willing to comment.

"Well... Let me tell you why.  For one, I Skype resolved Claire, which gave me her IP address.  That gave me an indication of the general area she was in.  But I needed a more precise location.  Claire also happens to have her GPS locator activated on her tablet.  All it took was for us to Skype call her from time to time to pick up her exact location.  Once you stopped moving, it was only a matter of time for us to catch up."  Officer Sanders gave a smug look as Claire noticed a boat closing in on them.

"That must be our ride!" The officer announced as he hauled Tyson up by his collar.  "Oh and by the way.  Don't think that you're just being charged with kid napping and attempted murder.  I happened to find all the hidden programs and viruses you've been using to pilfer large sums of money from other companies." Officer Sanders grinned and winked at Claire before escorting Tyson from the helm. Claire was internally thankful that he was on their side.

Once Officer Sanders escorted Tyson onto the other boat, Claire and Ashton were left to head back on their own.  Claire was happy to see Tyson leave, even though she did feel partly to blame for the whole incident.  Regardless of her actions though, Tyson was the one who took it too far.  It wasn't just Claire that he wanted to control, but everyone around him.  Using and abusing technology for his own good and at the expense of others.  Hacking into systems for personal pleasure as well as financial gain.  Claire felt thankful for the White Hat society that existed to protect others.  Officer Sanders truly gifted at what he does. 

As Claire looked over to Ashton as he powered up the boat.  She had to admit that it was Officer Sanders who found her, but it was ultimately Ashton who saved her.  He not only saved her from Tyson, but saved her from the online life that was corrupting her.  Claire reached over and wrapped her arms around his waist.  Ashton brought up one of his arms and rested it on her shoulders.  Kissing her forehead he said.  "Shall we go home love?"  Claire simply nodded her head, closed her eyes and wrapped herself in the peace of Ashton's embrace.

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