Chapter 14 - Watched

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"Aston! Ashton! Is it youThank god its youHold me, please, I'm so scared!"  Claire could feel herself trembling with fear, grabbing Ashton and pulling him closer.  She needed him closer to reassure herself that she was no longer in the dream.

What was going on with these dreams?  Claire was asking herself.  Never in her live had she had so many and so clear.  These past dreams were so close to reality that she was unable to distinguish between the two.  Holding Ashton now was comforting, but she knew it wouldn't last.  She knew that eventually what she saw in those dreams would become a reality, unless she somehow figured out where and when they took place.

"What happened Claire?  Why were you screaming my name?  Was it another dream?" Ashton was bombarding her with questions, his voice thick with concern.

"Ya, it was.  I'll explain it in a minute, but first, how long have I been unconscious?" Claire needed to know, it felt like forever.  Her body was numb all over, feeling just starting to come back.  Her eye lids heavy, barely able to stay open.  She felt like she had been hit by a truck, wondering how she had even survived.  She also needed a shower bad.  Thinking that she must surely look a wreck.  And here she was in Ashton's arms.  She was hoping he wasn't completely turned off by her state of being.

"Its been just over a week Claire.  I've been worried sick and so has your family." Ashton let go of Claire now and sat beside her on the bed still holding her hand.  Claire sighed, realizing that over a week had past, spring break would have been over and school would have started back already.  She had heard that her father was going back to Seattle for work, but why didn't Lisa go back with him?  Lisa should have went back home to start school again?  Claire wondered how she got out of that one.  Lisa was never fond of school, she was only fond of the boys that attended her classes.  Sometimes choosing classes based on what guys were in it.

Knock, Knock

Ashton turned around as someone was knocking on the door.  "Come in!" Ashton was saying as the door was already opening.

"Good afternoon Ashton.  I see Claire is awake."  Claire knew this was Officer Riley just by his voice, but looking at the way he was dressed, one could tell he was a cop.  He was wearing faded jeans with a thick belt which most likely had a holster to carry his gun.  He had a white T-shirt on with a standard blue jacket that had a LAPD emblem on the front.  Obviously he must be a detective because he wasn't wearing a standard police uniform.

"Claire this is Officer Riley." Ashton made the introductions while Claire nodded her head in greetings.

"Claire?  How are you feeling?" The officer sounded rather formal.  Claire wasn't sure if there was genuine concern in his voice or if she was just another job.  "Well, if you consider waking up to nightmares that always seem to become reality, good... then I guess I'm fine." Claire wasn't sure why she was coming off so rude.  Perhaps she was getting sick of everything and wanted some help.  She knew that she didn't want to face her last dream if it really did happen.

"I'm sorry to hear that Claire.  Ashton mentioned a few things, but never mentioned your dreams.  I would like to talk you about what happened on the boat if you don't mind.  We need some more information on the case.  I'm not sure how much Ashton has told you, but it is confirmed that the explosion on the boat wasn't an accident.  The stove was tampered with and someone deliberately wanted to harm either yourself or Ashton.  I asked Ashton about any known enemies.  He said that he didn't think he had any, but did mention something about a guy online that you have been having trouble with?" Ashton was looking worried as the officer spoke to Claire.  His concern for her warmed her heart.  Claire was feeling apprehensive about talking to the officer about her personal life, but knew she had to if she wanted anything resolved.

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