Chapter 17 - All Mine

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"Tyson?" Claire turned and looked back at Tyson.  Tyson saw her looking at the laptop and the sudden realization that he was Trojan, would be apparent on her face.  He stared back at Claire lifting an eyebrow, his entire demeanor seemed to change.  Tyson past his fingers over his lips and studied her intently.  Possibly gaging what Claire's reaction would be to the knowledge.  They both stared at each other for moments, neither speaking.  Claire wanted off that boat, fear tearing through her.  She braced herself getting ready to run for the stairs.  She knew that she couldn't over power him, but maybe outrun him.  One... Two... Three... Claire jumped up off the sofa and bolted for the stairs.  She could hear Tyson behind her, but didn't look back.  Claire ran two steps and then her body betrayed her.  Her legs started to feel like jelly and her head started to spin, her eyes becoming unfocused and clouded.  Claire fell to her knees just as Tyson was reaching for her.  He latched onto her necklace and she heard a snap, as the Angel pendant fell to the floor.  Claire tried to reach for it, but Tyson snatched her up into his arms as she went limp, losing all feeling in her body.

"Claire!  Don't do that!  You will only hurt yourself!" Tyson exclaimed as he placed her back on the sofa.  Claire tried to move her legs to run again but could only get them to bend slightly at the knee.  She felt like she was back at the hospital, when she was unconscious, unable to move.  Did he drug me?  Claire asked herself.

"What did you give me?" Claire whispered as Tyson sat back down.  Tyson rubbed his forehead looking frustrated.  "I couldn't have you hurt yourself, now could I babe.  I just gave you the same drug they were giving you at the hospital.  It will help you heal." Claire couldn't believe what he was saying.  How could he get the drug, Claire thought.

"Why Tyson?  How... How Tyson and why are you doing this?" Claire needed answers but felt her mind clouding over.

"Claire... Babe... we maybe have a half an hour before you lose consciousness and get a deep sleep.  I will explain everything." Tyson said as he moved in closer and lightly brushed her hair away from her face.  Claire felt sick from his touch and wanted to swat his hand away, but couldn't move them.

"I have a nurse helping me Claire... money talks... she got me the drugs, plus a few other things to forge notes for you and others.  I even paid her to hit on Ashton, but she failed." Tyson was shaking his head in disappointment.  Claire knew that it must have been Miranda that he was paying off.  "Ashton is too dedicated to you.  I needed to find a way to get him away from you.  Lisa wasn't working and neither did the nurse.  The notes seemed to do the job." Tyson looked over at Claire, giving her a satisfied smile.  Claire knew the note wasn't from Ashton.  She felt so stupid, she should have trusted Ashton, but what about Lisa and Ashton kissing, Claire thought.  He must have somehow used the note Ashton gave her to forge the one he wrote her.  But he said notes, was there more? Claire was asking herself.

"Notes?" was the only word Claire could get out, talking almost becoming impossible now.

"Shhh... Babe, I'll explain everything.  Let me start from the beginning." Tyson said as he moved in closer to Claire and grabbed her hand.  Claire wanted to snap her hand back from his, but couldn't as he slowing drew circles with his thumb over her hand.  "I did this for you and me Claire.  I wanted it to be a surprise.  All I've ever wanted was you Claire, and Ashton had to come along a ruin it.  It's all his fault.  If he wasn't around... it would have been me and you from the start.  Dammit, it was me and you from the start.  We're perfect together!" Claire knew now that Tyson would have caused the explosion.  He wanted to get rid of him, to get to Claire.  "Why..." Claire barely whispered the word.  "Shh, babe, let me explain"

"Do you think that your trip to Marina Del Rey was by chance?  Do you think that your dad just merely chose this place?  It was because of me.  I have been in your computer network for a long time.  I've wanted you in my life for a long time, Claire.  I would do anything to have you.  So when I found out that my dad ran business with the company your dad works for, I had the perfect chance.  I planted Marina Del Rey advertisements on your dads computer to spark his interest, and it worked.  Then all I had to do was suggest to my dad to lend one of his yachts to your family.  Your dads company has been good for our business.  So it was very easy to convince him.  I saw your family the first day you arrived.  I didn't know which one you were though.  I had never seen your face.  So, on the first day at the beach, Ashton was already talking to you, so I was forced to see if Lisa was you.  The way she talked, I thought it was you at first.  Then after you told me that you had met someone, and I finally got your camera working, I realized I picked the wrong sister.  By then it was too late... Ashton had already staked his claim on you." Tyson was sighing, rubbing his forehead again in frustration.  Claire couldn't believe the lengths Tyson/Trojan went to get to her.  She was feeling honored but also very creeped out by it.  If he went this far to get to her, what else was he willing to do, Claire was asking herself.  Claire opened her mouth to ask, the words not coming out, but he quickly laid a finger on her lips to silence her.

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