Chapter 9 - Fast Asleep

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Venice beach seemed to be getting hotter by the hour.  Ashton was right when he said that today was going to be a scorcher.  They had seen most of Venice beach and was now making their way to Santa Monica Pier.  Claire had always wanted to go to Santa Monica where "17 Again" was filmed.  Zac Efron being one of her favourite actors.  Apparently Santa Monica Pier was also a popular spot for film makers.  The giant ferris wheel on the pier had been seen in many films.

As Claire and Ashton made their way closer to the pier, the crowds of people only got larger and people were now brushing up against Claire almost knocking her over at one point.  Ashton kept her close to his side though and was making sure they didn't get separated.  Claire felt so secure and protected in his arms, as she held on tight around his waist and felt the definition of his abdomen muscle under his T-shirt.  Her mind becoming easily distracted over the feel of his hard body.

"Hey guys!  I'm surprised to see the two of you here!" Tyson was yelling from above the crowd as he waved them down to where he was standing.

"Hey man, what are you doing here?" Ashton strolled up to him as they exchanged bro fists.

"My gym is just around the corner.  I come up here to work out and to check on the employees!"  Tyson motioned to the backpack that he was carrying.  Claire could easily tell that Tyson worked out.  He had so much muscle that she couldn't tell where one stopped and the other started.  Claire really didn't like that much muscle though and preferred the nicely toned body that Ashton had.

"So you have a gym now Tyson!  Is there any business that you haven't ventured into" Ashton jabbed his arm as a teasing gesture, but Claire could tell that Tyson seemed a bit distracted by her.

"Ya, you could say that." Tyson jabbed back, but then brought his attention to Claire.  " Listen Claire.  I really wanted to apologize to you as well for yesterday.  I hope you don't think I would have done something to hurt your sister.  I mean... I got so worked up with her... I guess I got the wrong message... she was so hot for me one minute and then the next she was screaming for me to stop.  I've never had to deal with that before with a girl.  I mean really, what girl could resist this..." Tyson motioned with his hands up and down his body, flexing his muscles.  "Just joking!  But you know what I mean.  I thought I would apologize to you as well, since you were probably shocked at what you saw."

"Ya, you could say I was shocked, more like mortified!  But after thinking about it, I can see your side of the story.  My sister has always been a tease to the guys in our home town.  Thanks for the apology though, I appreciate it." Claire gave him a warm smile wanting him to know her sincerity. 

"You can say that again.  I've met my fair share of teases, but Lisa sure does top the list.  Anyway, I really need a shower, I'm surprised you guys aren't dying from the stench I must be giving off." Tyson laughed as he repositioned his backpack and was getting ready to leave.  "Thanks again man for apologizing, see ya around." Ashton said as they exchanged another bro fist and Tyson took off down the sidewalk.

Claire and Ashton made their way through Santa Monica Pier and stopped at various rides and games as they went.  Even though she was having a great time with Ashton, she couldn't help but wish that Lisa would reconnect with Tyson.  Claire would be having a much better time with Ashton if she didn't have to worry about her sister popping up every where they went.  After talking to Tyson, he seemed like a good guy too.  Maybe Lisa could be convinced if she realized how rich he was.  Claire knew that Lisa was a sucker for a guy with money.

The day seemed to be getting a lot hotter now that it was midday.  Claire was feeling the exhaustion of walking all the way from Marina Del Rey to Santa Monica Pier.  Her feet were sore and she could really use a cold drink to soothe her throat.

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