Chapter 6 - The Rescue

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Warning  some PG13 in this Chapter...

Claire couldn't wait for the sun to rise the next morning.  She had been on cloud 9 all night.  Cloud 10 actually suited her emotional state better, after Ashton left the previous day.

Claire spent the day with Ashton as he worked on the boat.  She said that she could leave, so that she didn't distract him while he worked, but he wouldn't hear of it.  He stated that her being there made him feel like he wasn't actually working.  He had packed a few chicken caesar wraps and a soda for them to enjoy at lunch.  The rest of the afternoon was spent talking and laughing with him, while Claire read one of her previously downloaded books on her tablet.  While she was reading, her mom was Kik messaging her to see how the day was going.  She told her mom that he had sketched her and how hard he was working on the boat.  During their conversation, Claire's mom asked her to invite Ashton over for dinner.  She was nervous at first, at the thought of bringing a guy over to meet her mom and dad.  Ashton however was overjoyed and more than happy to join them for dinner.

For the first part of dinner, Ashton kept calling her mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott.  Then her dad finally let him off the hook and told him to use Cynthia and William.  The formality seemed so foreign to Claire, but deep inside she rather enjoyed it, as it made her feel like she was actually on a more formal date.  Her dad and Ashton seemed to get along well.  Talking about the different projects that Ashton was busy with and also his plans for the future.  Lisa still flirted with Ashton.  Not caring that Claire was even in the same room.  Ashton didn't seem to notice or at least it seemed that way to Claire.  He was always bringing Claire back into the conversation.  Lisa seemed to be put out at the lack of attention that she retreated to her bedroom.  Before Ashton left for the evening, he asked Claire's parents if he could show her around town the next day.  Claire's dad seemed a bit surprised that he was asking for permission, but was also beaming with approval.  Claire loved how much of a gentleman Ashton was being, making him even more attractive than he already was.  If that could be possible, Claire thought.

Claire rummaged through her cloths that she had packed, to find something comfortable yet appealing.  She decided on faded jean shorts and a coral tank top along with sneakers for walking.  She tied her hair up in a ponytail and fastened a bow at the back.  After applying makeup, she stared at herself in the mirror for long moments.  She wondered as she looked at her reflection.  How such a girl as herself could get so lucky.

Ping... Her computer went off, signaling an incoming message.  Claire froze as the memory of her bad dream came back to her.  RUN. RUN. RUN. was all she could think.  Could it be Trojan, she silently whispered.  Claire slowly walked over to the laptop. Ping... it went again and Claire almost jumped out of her skin.  Oh stop this silliness! she said to herself.  Your acting like you're two, scared of the closet!  Claire reached down to the laptop and slowly lifted the lid.


Hey Claire, Are you almost ready?  I'll be over in ten minutes.


Can't wait! <3

Relief flooded her that it wasn't Trojan.  Claire had all but forgot that she had shared contact details with Ashton the night before.  And the heart!  He actually used a heart emoticon.  Claire was all but jumping up and down when Lisa walked in her room.

"Looks like someone's happy." Lisa said with and uncaring smile.  "Yep, Ashton and I are going into town.  He wants to show me around" Claire said as she moved past Lisa to grab her watch off the dresser.

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