Chapter 11 - Stranded Island

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Claire had a horrible time sleeping that night.  Concern over Lisa's unspoken threat.  Fear over Trojan, who was too close for comfort.  Both were wearing on her emotions.  Claire continued trying to call Ashton, but gave up around midnight, convinced that he must have been spending a late night working on the boat.  The only saving grace for Claire's emotions, was thinking about the surprise that was in store for her the next day.  Excitement finally whittled its way into Claire, anticipation for the next day overcoming her anxieties over Lisa and Trojan.  Her mind finally shut down around 3 in the morning and she was surprised to sleep in later than she wanted. 

It was now 9 am and Claire was already showered and dressed, ready for Ashton.  The problem was... there was no Ashton.  Claire had messaged him and tried to Skype him again, but there was no answer.  As she sat at the kitchen table, staring and her Belgium waffle, topped with strawberries, chocolate sauce and whip cream, she didn't have the appetite to eat it.  Normally she would have devoured such a breakfast within minutes, but today was different.  Claire was confused and a sense of abandonment was playing heavily on her mind.  Did Ashton change his mind? Claire thought, feeling a hole burning through her heart.  Did he figure that it was a waste of his time, since she was leaving anyway.  Depressed and feeling more alone by the minute, Claire pushed her plate away from her and laid her head on the table.

"Well... it looks as if I was right... Only a couple of days with you Claire and already Ashton is bored of you.  I can't say as I blame him...  I guess you'll be spending the day here!" Lisa sat across the table from her and gave her a sarcastic pouty look, as if she truly cared.  Claire decided not to answer and avoid any arguments with her sister.  She was feeling depressed enough without adding Lisa into it. "Actually... I have a good idea... You stay here Claire and Ill go find Ashton and show him what a good time really is!  You know how the saying goes Claire... If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen!"

"Oh, shut up Lisa!" Claire sneered at her and then quickly rose from her chair, running to her bedroom to hide the tears that were now evident on her cheeks.  Too many emotions tormented her the night before and now, the possibility that Ashton had stood her up was Claire's breaking point. Turning the corner towards the hallway, she slammed head on into a hard body.  Before she fell to the floor, strong male hands were wrapping around her waist, catching her from the fall, dropping the contents of his own hands.  Looking up, she was met with Ashton's electric blue eyes.  Instantly she wanted to cry even more, ecstatic that Ashton came after all.  Claire jumped into Ashton's arms and wrapped herself around him.

"Claire... what's wrong!" Ashton's voice was ridden with concern as he held her.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you" Claire said as she saw Lisa from the corner of her eye and didn't want her to know how worried she really was.  As Claire let go of Ashton, he reached down to pick up what he had dropped.  Claire's eyes went wide as she saw him pick up a dozen red roses from the floor.

"Wow, thanks Ashton.  Roses would really cheer me up!" Lisa remarked as she came over and almost took the roses from Ashton's hands.  Ashton didn't let go though, but brought them in front of Claire.

"Actually... I'm sorry Lisa, but these are for Claire.  I hope you like them!" Ashton raised the roses up to Claire as a huge smile lit his face.  Claire couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.  Taking the roses, she stuck her nose in and took in the sweet smell of the roses.  She could see the sadness on Lisa's face though and couldn't help but feel sorry for her.  Even though Lisa was just mean to her, she still didn't like to see her sad.  Taking one rose out of the bunch, she handed it over to Lisa.

"Here Lisa, this one is gorgeous... you take it... you deserve one too!" Lisa reached out slowly and took the rose but she couldn't hide the confusion in her eyes.  "Umm... thanks Claire..." is all she could muster to say as she took the rose and headed back into the kitchen to retrieve a vase. 

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