Chapter 1

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2 Years Later

Me and Nathan have been married for 2 years now and we've been trying for another baby, but nothing seems to be happening at the moment.

"Do you think we should wait for a little bit before we try for another baby again Nathan? I mean, it hasn't happened yet so maybe we could wait a little more." I suggest as Nathan holds me close.

We're stood with my arms round his neck as his are round my waist holding me close against him.

"Babe, are you sure? I mean, it was your idea for another baby but you really want one so are you sure you want to wait?" Nathan asks me as I shrug and sigh.

"I don't know. I mean, I do want to wait and I don't. I do because Sophie might not like the idea and I don't because I really want another baby if you get what I mean." I say as he nods.

"I'm fine with whatever you choose." He replies as I nod.

"Okay..." I trail off before I kiss Nathan and pull him upstairs with me...


"So you're thinking of not trying for another baby but then we try again?" Nathan asks as I nod.

"Yeah..." I trail off.

"Mommy, Daddy! Look outside!" I hear Sophie shout as I put a dressing gown round me and look out the window as Sophie runs in the room.

I pick her up and hold her on my hip as we look outside.

"Wow." I say excitedly just to please Sophie.

"Daddy look it's snowing." I say to Nathan as he rolls his eyes and pulls on some joggers before standing at the window with me and Sophie.

"Scarlet, she's seen snow before." Nathan says.

"She's 7 and it's Christmas in a month and 2 weeks. What do you expect from a 7 year old?" I say placing Sophie on the floor as she runs off to her bedroom.

"Scarlet, she's 7. She needs to grow up a bit now, don't you think?" Nathan says as I look at him.

"No. She's a chid Nathan. She's aloud to be excited when there's snow." I reply getting dressed as he sighs and places his hands on my hips from the back.

I push him off me so I can finish getting dressed before putting on a jacket and leaving the house with no gloves, scarf or a hat.

To be honest with you I couldn't care how cold it is.

I'm used to it.

I sit on a bench and just watch my breath come out as icy smoke.

I walk to a bus stop and catch the bus to town before walking to the shopping centre.

I walk in and look around at all the lights and look through shop windows before sitting on a bench there as it's warm there as it's inside.

I keep checking my phone.

No calls or messages just the wallpaer.

Me, Nathan, Jay, Max, Tom, Siva, Kelsey, Nareesha, Letitia (Jay's new girlfriend) and Sophie.

This picture was taken when we all went to the beach in the summer.

Me and Nathan were holding Sophie up in our arms, Jay and Letitia were kissing, Max was stood in the middle of Jay and Letitia behind them kind of smiling, Tom was kissing Kelsey's cheek as Kelsey had her arms round him and Siva was holding Nareesha's hand and their noses were touching.

We asked a random couple that were walking by to take the picture.

That was the most amazing day ever.

I sigh before feeling a presence in front of me.

I look up and see Taia stood there.

She sits beside me and sighs.

"Hi Scarlet. Look about everything that happened..." Taia trails off, "Can we just put it all behind us and start again? I would like to be your friend." She says as I look at her and smile a little.

"Who's Colby with?" I ask.

"My mom. I'm sorry for lying about who Colby's dad is? I guess I just wanted Nathan to myself. I heard you and him got married 2 years ago. Congratulations." I smile and we start talking for a while

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