Chapter 10

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/4 months later/

I'm laid on the hospital bed holding Niall's hand waiting for a doctor or a nurse to come.

Nathan knows its his son's due date today but, hasn't bothered to call.

He's probably too busy with Chloe anyway

"Hi, are you Mrs. Sykes?"

"Miss. Drew. Recently divorced." I say untruthfully.

Niall knows I'm not divorced but he doesn't really care.

"Okay, you seem to be doing okay. Had any recent contractions since the last time I came in?" She asks as I nod.

"Quite a few and they're getting worse." I say through gritted teeth before moaning in pain as another contraption comes round as I squeeze Niall's hand a little.

He squeezes back before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, I'm just gonna see how far you've got and if you're ready to go into the room." The nurse says as I nod and she checks how far I've got.

"Okay, you're nearly ready to go and have your baby."

"No, please. Can I just have it now? Please?" I say before another contraption comes round.

"Babe,  Riley will come soon."  Niall says as I nod and try to keep my breathing steady.

"It's gonna be okay." He reassures as I smile and he kisses me softly.

The nurse comes back to check before we get sent to the room where I will have Riley.


Riley gets passed to me as I hold him and smile.

"He's a little blonde like his father." The nurse says.

"Oh, Niall isn't his father. We need to travel to England so we can do DNA for Nathan and for Tyler." I say as Niall nods and suggests going in a couple months time. 

Forever Yours - Sequel To MAFU {2015 Watty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now