Chapter 11

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Okay, gonna be a Jezza Scene. Ahhh! Love Jeremy Kyle. - Syd :) x


/5 months later/

Niall and I are backstage one side of Jeremy Kyle whereas Nathan and Tyler are the other side with Chloe in the audience.

I get called on.

I walk onto the stage and sit down.

"So, what happened?" Jeremy asks me.

"Well, me and Nathan were married and technically we still are and in the past he cheated on me and 14 months ago I slept with Tyler. I was completely wasted and I had slept with Nathan the night before. 3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Then 5 months through the pregnancy It was my birthday and Nathan kissed one of my old bullies, Chloe Wheeler and basically cheated on me on my birthday so I left to america where I met Niall. We started dating and I had Riley 5 months ago." I say.

"Okay so we have Riley up on the screen there. Lets get Nathan out on the show." Nathan walks out.

He comes straight upto me.

"Scarlet you gotta say thats my son. Please." Nathan says as I notice the sadness and guilt in his eyes.

He sits down and Jeremy talks to us.

"So, Nathan. You kissed Chloe on Scarlet's birthday?" Nathan nods.

"I wasn't thinking at the time. We're not together.  I want Scarlet back."

"Well, you should've thought of that before Nathan."


The last person that comes out is Niall to support me.

I sit down gripping both Niall and Nathan's hands.

"I can tell you that the father of Riley Is..." He glances at all of us.

"Nathan, I'm sorry but Tyler is the father." I shake my head and run off stage with the tears falling.

I make my way through the different corridors and halls before leaning against the wall and crying my eyes out.

I slide down the wall and just sit on the floor in tears.

I hear Jeremy squat beside me.

He rubs my back before I hear Tyler, Nathan and Niall approach us.

I just stay sat there crying.

"He has to be Nathan's. He cant be Tyler's." I say crying as Jeremy talks to Graham for a bit.

"Me and Graham will do everything we can to help you four and Riley." I shake my head before sitting on one of the comfy sofas.

"Babe..." I cut Niall off.

"Not right now Niall."

"Babe, it's gonna be okay."

"NO ITS NOT NIALL!!!!! You don't understand! You're not me! Just leave me alone!" I yell at him.

I know he was only trying to help but I cant be dealing with him right now.

"I was trying to help." He says timidly as I sigh.

"Go away!" I snap harshly as he hangs his head and nods before walking away from me and joining the others.

I cant believe Riley belongs to Tyler.

Forever Yours - Sequel To MAFU {2015 Watty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now