Chapter 8

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That was the best birthday ever.

"Nath, this was the best birthday ever."  I say as he smiles.

"Your birthday isn't over yet. Mom and Jess want to see you." He says as he helps me up from the sofa as I smile and take Sophie's hand.

We walk to Nathan's mom's house before knocking on the door.

It swings open to reveal Jess.

"Hey!" She exclaims pulling me in for a hug as I hug her back before she hugs Sophie and Nathan too.

She lets us in as Karen sees me and runs to me before hugging me tight as I giggle.

"Hi." I say as she leads us into the living room where my mom, Vienna, dad, Lisa, Orlando and a few other friends from college including Karen's partner Phil and Jess' boyfriend Austin are also there.

"CHEESE FACE!" I scream as I run to him and jump into his arms as I hear giggles, especially Sophie's.

"Lees." I say as she hugs me while I notice Vienna stood awkwardly across the other side on the room.

"VIENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as she looks up startled before we run to each other and hug each other tightly.

"I missed you." I whisper to her as she hugs me back tighter.

"I missed you too." I then see Carly walk in. She's just a bit older than Sophie.

She sees me before a massive smile appears on her face.

"Scarlet." She says as I smile and hug her as she hugs me back.

"Mommy says that you'll be here. Chloe just dropped me off."

"Chloe? As in Chloe Wheeler?" I ask as Carly and Vienna nod.

"Yeah, me." I turn round and see her stood there with her arms crossed.

I glare at her as she walks upto Nathan and kisses him as he doesn't hesitate to kiss her back.

I feel the anger and sadness build up in me as everyone gasps and watches them.

I get so many emotions mixed up in my body that I break down into tears right there and then.

Stupid hormones and Stupid Chloe.

I thought all of them left.

They keep kissing as I keep crying before Vienna helped me up.

"Hey, don't show that she's getting to you. You're better than that. You're my sister. I know more about you than you know about yourself. You're a strong girl Scarlet. You're way better than her and if Nathan can't see that and if he kisses her on your BIRTHDAY!... Then he's not worth your tears and you need to leave him. He's no good for you." Vienna says as I nod and hug her.

"Thanks Vien. I love you so much. You're the best sister anyone could wish for." I look at them and see that Nathan is sat down with her over him as his hands rest perfectly on her perfectly shaped arse.

Her perfectly shaped body is everything compared to mine.

She's sexier than me, better than me.

Every guy wants her, every girl wants to be her, everyone knows her, then there's me.

Nobody knows me, nobody likes me, I'm a piece of shit.

Well, fuck those people.

They can all go and shoves their heads up their own arse.

Even Nathan.

He can go fuck Chloe Wheeler.

I don't care.

He'll just use her for sex.

Been there, done that, bought a T-Shirt.

I let the tears fall down my cheeks before running out of the house and running home.

I pack my stuff before leaving a note for Nathan.


I hate you. That's why I've left. I won't tell you where I am or what I'm doing. Take care of Sophie. Tell her that I love her but you're just a piece of shit. Why would you do that to me? Why? ON MY BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?!?! Anyway, You're other child. Well, He's gonna be with me. Yeah, I was gonna tell you that it's a boy and I got a name. You won't know anything about him because of what you've done today. Goodye Nathan.


I then order for my motorbike to be sent over to LA by a container ship.

They're picking it up now as I get in the taxi to the airport.

I get the next flight to LA.

Goodbye Gloucester.

Goodbye England.

Goodbye Nathan.


A/N: GUYS AN UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is cause I'm awesome and you love me. I gotta revise for exams Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but I can't be arsed so I am writing for you amazing peeps. Enjoy - Syd :) x

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