chapter 1

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Rice filled the air as a couple stood in front of a group of people outside a church. Wedding bells were ringing as the bride and groom left the church with more rice filling the air as they left and a couple of men came to take photographs. There was also a woman in a pink dress with a white hat with flowers in her hands as she left with a man with dark brown hair and glasses, wearing a tux. With them was a younger adult woman who wore a similar suit, only in a soft red color.

The bride and groom centered with their family as the men took their pictures and smiled for the happiest day of their lives. Behind the bride and groom however, there were the church members, of an old spinster woman, an American Gothic couple, the pastor who married them and a young girl in a garland green dress and her hair all curled up, who many assumed she was the pastor’s daughter. As the photographer snapped a picture, the groom gave a sweet kiss to his blushing bride and everyone laughed in sheer happiness.

The groom named Ralph Hapschatt spotted his best man, best friend since junior high school, Brad Majors. They talked of the ceremony and how Brad was happy for his engagement and marriage to Betty Munroe. 

"Okay you guys, this is it!" Betty the bride called as she turned around and threw her bouquet for the other bridesmaids have a chance.

The girls all jumped and reached for the bouquet. However, the pink bridesmaid caught it and clutched it. "I got it! I got it!" she chanted, jumping up and down. "I GOT IT!"

"Hey pal, looks like it could be your turn next." Ralph teased Brad, giving him a playful punch on the arm.

Brad smiled and did the same. "Who knows?" he said with a smile.

The limo drove up to take Ralph and Betty away on their honeymoon. The honking alerted Ralph which made him walk off to collect Betty. Brad smiled at them, then got into deep thought as Ralph suggested since he had dated the pink bridesmaid for a while in school, that this could be his big chance to propose to her and have their own home of happiness in the town of Denton. The couple got in the car to take off to their new homes and lives together as the other people of the wedding cheered for them and chased them.

"Oh, I always cry at weddings," one of the older women said to her husband.

The young adult woman in red turned to the church as she saw that the pastor and his daughter were heading inside, but the farmer couple was still out. Something about them still seemed oddly familiar to her. She noticed how her eyes were emerald green like the woman, but wondered if it was coincidence or fate. They looked puzzled about her themselves, but didn't make note of it as much as she did and continued keeping their eyes forward. 

"Oh, Brad, didn't Betty just look so radiantly beautiful?" the pink woman asked, clutching the boquet she won. "I can't believe just an hour ago she was plain old Betty Munroe, and now she's Mrs. Ralph Hapschatt" She beamed brightly, looking up at him.

"Yes, Janet, Ralph's a lucky guy," Brad said, shyly, walking with her as their young guest stayed behind, not interested in them. 

The girl turned back to them as they seemed to have a deep moment together now.

"Hey, Janet." Brad spoke up.

"Yes, Brad?" Janet asked.

"I got something to say," I, I...I really like the skillful way, you beat the other girls to the bride's bouquet."

"Oh, Brad." Janet blushed, looking away sheepishly.

Their guest, named Miracle glanced at them, then rolled her eyes as they were going to have a lovey dovey moment. She then sat on the church steps as the farmers chanted their names as they sang their mushy song together. Miracle even threw off her hat as she waited for this song to be over as the thunder rumbled and the farmers chorused with them for unknown reasons. Brad even got to the doors and drew a heart from chalk in his pocket as the spinster and pastor's daughter were now out of the church and watching mindlessly at the eccentric couple. Brad was even down on one knee and surprised Janet with an engagement ring that he must've bought on his way to the wedding like he had planned this since he got up in the morning. 

Miracle followed them inside as Janet looked at the ring in awe and it's better than Betty Munroe had. Miracle was very bored of this and she sat in one of the church seats as Brad and Janet kept expressing their love together like fools as the church was preparing now for a funeral. 

"I love you..." Brad and Janet said together slowly, as they leaned for a kiss with the group watching. 

Miracle groaned and buried her face in her hands. She was bored, unimpressed and embarrassed. Not to mention Brad mentioned that they should announce their engagement to their science teacher, Dr. Everett Scott, where they first met during one of his science exams.

The Transylvanian Affair: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now