chapter 8

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LP looked out the window as an Earthly rainbow came across, with the rain stopping. She didn’t like Earthlings much, but she hoped that they would get back home safely, even if they didn’t get the telephone they were practically begging for. She sniffled and buried her face in her hands as her father was dead. She admitted, he was very harsh with her, even yelling at her at times when it wasn’t even her fault. LP went to Magenta and hugged her from behind. “What’re we gonna tell Nana?” she wondered, out loud.

Everyone was quiet. The stench of death filled their minds, making them stunned in silence.

“Aunt Magenta? Uncle Riff Raff?” LP looked at them as they were quiet and looked back out the window as the planet Earth was slowly coming out of view as they were headed for the galaxy of Transylvania. 

Magenta brought LP around to hug her. Riff made it so the castle was able to return home without a driver. He then looked at LP. “I’ll bring them back… I won’t keep my daughter dead, and Rocky and Columbia were innocent,” he said. He then sighed and looked at Magenta, seeing her nod. “I will also bring Frank back, for you, Little Precious….If you want…” he said after a moment.

LP thought about it for a moment as she was hugged. “Daddy didn’t really about you guys, didn’t he?” she asked both godparents. “Rocky was only seven hours old…. Columbia was Daddy’s groupie and my nanny….Maybe the world would be better without Daddy…”

Magenta stroked LP’s hair as Riff started to tell a story, of Frank and himself. “He never liked me other than a servant,” Magenta said. 

“Your father and I became friends when we were young,” Riff told his story. “We were unseperable, however, when we began to grow, he started to change. Staring to lose interest in everyone… He became the way he was, and was cruel to everyone except the Old Queen, and I’m sure he’d never change his ways…” he looked deep into LP’s eyes with memories. He then sighed and looked at her properly. “It will be your choice, Princess…” he said, softly. As soon as she would choose, he would get to work, bringing Miracle back first.

LP hummed, wondering what to do, “Put him away in the freezer for now,” she spoke up. “I need time to think about this… Of course, bring back Miracle, Aunt Columbia, and Rocky, they never did anything wrong.” LP stared at her father’s lifeless body. Her brain and hearts were arguing what to do from there.

Frank was a bit abusive toward her, his spoilings as a child spoiled him to be a strict, hard, back-breaking inducing father. He made her, owned her, what would become of her if she lets her father alone to die? Also, what would happen if she kept him alive, would it be the same? This was in fact the hardest decision of her life. 

Magenta lifted Miracle up. She looked down at her, seeing the wide-eyed, scared look she still had. She then walked to the lab with her. Riff took Columbia to the lab as well. He’d come back for Rocky in a little bit, after Columbia was in the lab. Soon, both siblings came back, Riff getting Rocky and taking him to the lab as well. He then started work to bring them back to life.

Magenta came and stood next to LP. “Ve’ll stand by you, vhatever you choose.” She told the girl, softly.

“Okay.” LP sharply sighed and bowed her head. “I’m going to bed, maybe I’ll have a decision once I get a good night’s rest. It’s been a big, exciting day.” LP then left the siblings to bring Rocky, Miracle and Columbia back to life. She still wasn’t sure if it would be worth having her father back or if she would be better off without him. Where would she live without the future royal of Transsexual as her parent? Would her distant cousin DeLordy adopt her? Would Riff Raff and Magenta be punished? So many questions flooded the princess’s mind more than Magenta’s educational lessons of mathematics to her when she was four years old and home educated for the first time. 

The Transylvanian Affair: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now