chapter 2

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Later, that night, rain poured against the windshield as Brad was driving his car to venture their way to Dr. Scott's place. Janet was eating some chocolate while Miracle was in the back, staring out the window. She loved the rain, but knew if she stuck her head out to enjoy it, her mother, Janet, would not be happy. Janet offered some of her candy to Brad, but he gently shook his head and continued to drive, she continued to eat as she heard rough vrooming and looked out the window to see a motorcyclist.

Janet was nervous at first, but a bit nit-picky." God, that's the third motorcyclist that's passed us!" she shrieked, then sounded critical. "They certainly take matters into their own hands."

"Yes Janet, life's pretty cheap to that type," Brad gripped the steering wheel, then  looked back at Miracle. "Don't let me ever catch you riding on a motorcycle with a boy, Miracle."

'You won't stop me, I want to try that at least once'. Miracle thought to herself. 

Brad grew from confident, then shrunk nervous as he saw they were driving into a dead end. 

"What's the matter?" Janet asked.

"Looks like we took a wrong turn at that fork in the road a few miles back." Brad remarked, turning the car around. 

"Then where did those motorcycles come from?"

Brad stopped a moment from that question, turning back and the car shook a bit with a bang noise. 

"What was that bang!?" Janet cried.

Brad growled as he looked out the window and saw their tire had gotten flat. "Dammit! I knew I should've gotten that spare tire fixed!" he growled, slapping the wheel. "You and Miracle stay warm and I'll go look for help."

"Where will you go?"Janet asked. "We're in the middle of nowhere."

Brad stopped to think for a minute. He then remembered something and turned to Janet.

"Didn't we pass a castle a few miles back? Maybe they have a telephone we can use."

"I'm going with you." Janet put her things away and grabbed the first thing she could find since she didn't have an umbrella with her. "Miracle, stay in the car."

"Oh darling, it's not worth us both getting wet." Brad simply said.

"I'm coming with you, besides, the owner of that phone might be a beautiful woman and you'll never come back again."

Brad chuckled as he opened his door and Janet grabbed her newspaper over her head to keep dry. 

They both went out, but Miracle refused to stay inside and out of it. "You can't leave me in the car!" she rebelled, opening her door. "That castle looks awesome!"  she opened the door and followed them as they safely went to the castle gate.

Janet looked back at Miracle, sighing and frowning. She then took Miracle's hand with her free hand keeping the paper on her head. They came up to a sign reading: Enter At Your Own Risk!! Brad and Janet eyed each other nervously and walked inside as lightning flashed. Brad and Janet saw a light over at the Frankenstein place. It looked a lot like something from a science fiction movie as they drew closer and closer. More motorcyclists drove by them and they must've been headed in the same direction. 

Miracle looked in the distance and saw a stringy blonde haired hunchbacked male singing a verse to himself. No one could hear it, but somehow, Miracle knew what he was singing and sang with him about darkness going down the river of night’s dreaming. Brad was surprised by Miracle's singing, but they kept going closer. Sure, it wasn't Dr. Scott's place, but this would have to do for now. It seemed that fortune had smiled down upon Brad, Janet and Miracle, and the three of them had found the help they had been looking for. Or have they?

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