chapter 10

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"GET OUT!" Magenta shrieked.

LP quickly slammed the door and leaned on it. "I have never seen do that to someone else... Not even Daddy, not even my Nana... Not even my Daddy with my Nana..." she blinked rapidly and blushed a bit. "Such an attractive couple... I'm not sure who to be envious of..." LP noticed Miracle staring at her and she fiddled with her glasses. "Um, do you wanna know anything about Transylvania before we go back?"

Miracle, still blushing from what she saw, gave a small smile. "How do you greet somevon?" she asked. "And is there anything that shouldn't be done?"

LP rubbed the back of her head, looking at Miracle. "What do you mean?" she asked, unsure how to answer her friend's question.

"Vhen you meet somevon, how do you greet them?" Miracle asked, looking at her. "And is there anything somevon shouldn't do there? For example, on Earth, if somevon offers you some drugs, you don't accept them." she informed, hoping to help LP understand what she meant by the question.

"Oh," LP smiled sheepishly, then frowned. "I guess I say hello... My Daddy usually takes their hands and kisses them when he meets a new face, like Janet Weiss, or shakes the hand.... What are drugs?" 

Miracle nodded to LP's answer, then noticed her question. "Drugs are things that you take and they alter your perception of reality."

LP looked at her, then back at the door. "I think your daddy has some... or uses them..." LP couldn't help but notice that her godfather seemed wicked at times among things. He would not be willing to talk at some points, but after he would take some medicine as he called it, he would be kind of silly most of the time. "I hear these drugs are a big deal on Earth... Do you take them?"

"No, I don't take them," Miracle shook her head. "You could get very ill by taking them. Some can even kill you if taken." she informed as she tugged at the hem of her gloves.

LP then grew shocked and horrified. 

Riff Raff and Magenta finished their 'appointment' and departed from the bedroom. Magenta had covered herself in Riff's jacket.

"Hi, guys!" LP smiled, but then cringed as she remembered what they were doing. "Erm, have fun?"

Miracle blushed and glanced at her parents, still tugging at her gloves. 

Riff Raff gave a stern look at LP. "Next time, knock." he warned, then he noticed Miracle's new outfit. It was enough to make him smile and ignore what happened earlier.

Miracle looked at her parents with a smile. The blue part of the dress sets off her skin nicely and the green bits set off her eyes. 

"Sorry..." LP smiled sheepishly and fiddled her glasses nervously. "We should be getting to Earth, are we gonna land in the forest like we used to? No one bothered us..." she glanced, then rolling her eyes. "Except for that ass hole and slut..." 

Magenta gave a scolding, firm expression on her face.

"Sorry, Aunt Magenta!" LP spoke up, feeling her stomach turn.

Riff Raff had also re-looked at LP, not believing that she had actually used that language. 

LP looked down lowly. "Sorry, Uncle Riff Raff... That's what Daddy called them..." she looked back up with an unsure expression. "Am I grounded until next year? It's two months until the new year..."

Riff Raff took his normal look and gave a short nod. "I'm sorry, Little Precious, but that language isn't acceptable, but you are still allowed to play with Miracle." He punished her, but didn't want to break up the new friends, even temporarily.

The Transylvanian Affair: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now