Is that a hickey?

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Last night was amazing! Matt and I went ‘all the way’ and it was perfect. I know it may seem soon since Matt and I had only really been together for like two hours, but we had had those feelings for each other for a while and I felt like I could trust him with something as special as my virginity. Yep it was mine and Matts first time, and it was really special, for both of us. Matt was so kind and caring. He was literally the perfect boy friend. 

I woke up at 6:00am and went and had a shower. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I decided to do it in a sock bun today, and it looked great. I put on mascara and lipgloss and got changed into a white singlet that says ’90’s Kids’ and has the sides ripped out revealing a black bandeau. I put on my skater skirt and black converse. I sprayed myself with my Kardashian perfume and headed down stairs to find a ready Matt. He looked up and smiled and came over and kissed me.

“You look perfect as always” he said leaning down for another kiss, I blushed and kissed him back. We grabbed an Up-and-Go and headed out the door and drove to school. We walked into the building hand in hand. We walked up to Allison and Aaron who started laughing really hard.

*Matt’s P.O.V*

We walked up to Allison and Aaron once we arrived at school.

“Hey” I said. Aaron and Allison were know crying of laughter. Allison grabbed Jamie’s hand and led her down the hall to her study hall class first up. Aaron and I walked to Film making class first.

“Dude, you have a giant hickey on your neck” Aaron said laughing. We walked into the bathroom and he was right. Jamie must have given it to me last night. Shit!

“What am I gonna do? I can’t walk into class with this, they will like call my parents and send me to the nurse or something” I said to Aaron panicking. Class had began 15 minutes ago but me and Aaron decided to ditch and try and figure out how to fix it.

“Man, I got it. Text Jamie and tell her to meet us in here and we can cover it up with her foundation” said Aaron. I hesitantly agreed and he grabbed his phone and texted her.

A - Hey meet us in the boys bathroom next to the science lab, bring your foundation XD

J - Um ok?

Within 5 minutes she arrived. She looked really confused at first but then she saw the hickey on my neck and put her hand over her mouth to cover up her laugh. She must have seen the panicked look in my eye because she came up and hugged me.

“I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I didn’t notice that this morning” She said very apologetically

“It’s okay, can you cover it up?” I asked

She pulled out her foundation and began to work her magic, and before I knew it she had completely covered up the hickey. I thanked her and gave her a kiss before she ran back to study hall. Aaron looked over at me smiled.

“What?” I asked. But I knew what he was going to say.

“So she gave that to you last night?” He asked with a smirk.

“Shut up! but yeah” I said going red at the last part. Aaron looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head.

“GO MATTHEW” he yelled. I just rolled my eyes and walked out and went to the library.

*Skipping school*

Today went really quick, I’m so happy that Jamie is in most of my classes. That means I get see her beautiful face all the time. After school Aaron came over to study. We dropped Allison and Jamie off at Jamie’s house and headed over to mine.

*Jamie’s P.O.V*

I felt really bad about the whole hickey thing, but Matt didn’t seem mad, and plus it was really funny. Once Matt dropped Allison and I off at my house we went upstairs and told her about last night. I figured that Matt had told Aaron since he kept smirking at me all day. Allison practically tackled me whilst screaming. She was so ecstatic, it was hilarious to watch. She told me how her and Aaron had done it the other night as well. After chatting we began working until 7:30pm when she left. I headed to bed after dinner and a shower. I texted Taylor saying goodnight and headed off to sleep.

(A/N Sorry this chapter is so small, its just a filler chapter. Make sure you keep reading, big events will occur in the next chapter. I hope you are all enjoying the story so far xx)

A rough start - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now