tickling and smack cams

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We have been back from Nashville and leave in a weeks time. I can’t wait. We told the fans about this new and improved Magcin and released the poster pics and they are going insane. Tickets to the first show in Nashville sold out in under 15 seconds, and the amount of people coming to the shows have tripled. The only bad thing is that I have been seeing Sam every where lately, but when I do a double take she is gone. I think I am just paranoid but I am still scared, I have no clue what she is capable of, and I have a feeling that when she tried to shut down Magcon, that it wouldn’t be the last we heard of her. I haven’t said any thing to any one else because I don’t want them to think I am crazy, especially Matt. I have been very jumpy and on edge lately, I don’t feel safe any more. 

Today is Monday and we leave on Sunday night, but until then, I have to go to school. Matt is coming to pick me up in an hour so I jump in the shower, do my hair and make up and get dressed. I put on my white ‘Nash Grier’ tank top, with a pair of black jeans and my white converse. I headed downstairs and grabbed a pop tart and waited for Matt to come. I   waited for 5 minutes until I heard Matts car horn. I walked out and hopped in the car and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“One week to go” he said all giddy. I was excited for Magcon, but I was also scared. What if Sam came back and pulled another stunt like the last one? What if she did something worse? Some many questions were running through my mind and I almost didn’t realize that we were at school. I hopped out of Matts car and we headed to our first class.

*One week later*

Today is the day we fly out to Nashville and start the Magcon tour! I am really excited to see all my friends again, but I am also nervous since this is the first Magcon since ‘the incident’ and I was pretty nervous, but I’m pretty sure that every one was. I haven’t been sleeping very good lately, and I’m pretty sure it’s because of all the worrying I have been doing about Sam, and if she pulls another stunt at this Magcon. I woke up at 5:30am, our flight wasn’t until 9:00am. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I blow dried and straightened my hair and tied in into a messy pony tail. I put on a black leather high waisted skirt and white tucked in singlet, with my black high tops. I put on some mascara, foundation and lipgloss and finished packing my things. At 6:30am I heard a car horn, I grabbed my suitcase and headed down stairs, my mum was away on another business trip so I just locked the house and headed out side. I ran over to the maxi taxi to find Aaron, Allison, Matt, and Carter. I said hello while the driver helped me put my bags in the boot. We chatted on the way, I could tell that every one was just as nervous as I was, and I’m sure they were thinking the same thing. Not long after we arrived at the airport, we payed our driver and said goodbye and headed through customs. We were all good and we just waiting for a flight. We ran into a few groups of fans then boarded the plane. I was seated next to Carter and Matt and Allison and Aaron were seated a few rows down with a random. On the flight Matt kept leaning over Carter, who was in the middle, and kissing me, while Carter would pull a disgusted face.

“Okay, enough with the PDA, I think I’m going to be sick” he said pretending to gag.

“Ok, then swap seats with me and you wont get in the way then” said Matt with a hopeful smile.

“No! I refuse to sit next to you guys if you are trying to ‘get it on’ on a plane” and with that he put in his earphones and sleeping eye mask. Matt and I cracked up laughing and Matt kept pretending to poke Carters face since he couldn’t see, and I just cracked up more.

The flight felt really quick and in no time, we were in Nashville. Our flights were at the same time as the others so we all landed and met at the airports Starbucks. 

“TAYLOR!” I screamed and jumped into his arm

“Hey Potato Cake” he said with a goofy smile. I laughed and we went over and said hi to every one else. We waited for 5 minutes when Taylor got a call from Bart saying that our transport was here to pick us up, and that we would know which one was ours. We headed out to find hundreds of screaming fans surrounding a giant hummer with all of our faces on it and the Magcon logo on the side. We were so shocked it was so cool. Security guards came over and guided us in so we weren’t attacked by any fans. We safely got in the hummer and drove to the hotel. 

We arrived at the hotel to find another crowd of screaming fans, this time we stop for a little bit and take photos. After 20 minutes of taking photos we were told that we need to go and get settled in to our rooms and be rested for the first day of Magcon tomorrow. We got a text from Bart telling us which rooms we are in.

B - Hi every one! I hope you all like our new trasportation! Anyways here are the room lists

Room 1 - Taylor, Nash, and Jamie

Room 2 - Matt, Hayes, and Mahogany

Room 3 - Allison, Aaron, and Jack G

Room 4 - Cam, Jaz, and Carter

Room 5 - Shawn, Brent, and Jack J

I hope you all get a good nights rest. The hummer will pick you all up at 10:30am, and tonights show will commence at 6:00pm-10:00pm. - from Bart

We all separated and went to our rooms. I was disappointed that Matt and I aren’t in a room together, but I love Nash and Tay, so I’m sure we will have a ball. We arrive in bedroom and start unpacking, and the boys were even kind enough to allow me to have my own bed to myself. 

“So, are you sad that its inconvenient for you and Matt to hook up now that your in different rooms?” asked Taylor being a smart ass. I playfully hit him and swiped his bandana off his head and began to run down the hall to Matt’s room. He quickly realized what I did and began chasing, and I ran into there room and locked to door. They were all unpacking there things and looked over at me like I was a dog with three heads. 

“Sorry, I had to escape Taylor I stole his bandana, and he is going to hurt me” I said really fast. Matt looked over at Hayes and gave him an evil smile. Matt ran over and tackled me on to the bed while Hayes ran and opened the door for Taylor who was still trying to get in. Matt quickly moved off me allowing Taylor access to get me. I closed my eyes and waited for my punishment. I began screaming uncontrollably while Taylor and Matt tickled me. I was extremely ticklish and was now crying with pain and laughter. After about 7 minutes of torture they finally stopped and I wiped my face. They were laughing there heads off and Taylor put his bandana back on. 

“I hate you two” I said walking over and giving Mahogany a hug, but Matt quickly pulled me into his arms.

“No you don’t you love me” He said leaning down into a kiss. I quickly put my hand over his mouth.

“Nope I hate you” I said with a smile. I could see Nash filming us, and Taylor sneaking up to smack cam Matt. So I leant in a little, but when I saw Taylor coming I jumped out of the way to watch Matt be smashed across the face with the hotels shampoo.

“Fuck, you got it in my eye” yelled Matt as we all laughed hysterically. I went over and gave Matt a peck on the lips and Nash, Taylor and I went back to our hotel.

(A/N Hi guys! sorry this is once again a filler chapter, but I promise really big events are coming up so stay tuned! Please remember to read my really good friend Jasmines story it is called 'But I Dont Wanna Be JUST Friends' and her user is @Dem_Magconboys so make sure to follow her story is about an amazing love triangle. It is full of romance and drama and I am in love with it! So be sure to read it! Sorry for another authors note, I hope you are enjoying the story! - <3 Taylah)

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