Out With A Bang!

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Sam’s P.O.V *

The last few days have gone perfectly! Nash has been torn apart from his friend and the video is fully completed. Tomorrow is the finale day of Magcon, and I have planned out how I will play the video. Last night Mahogany ordered a brownie from room service and I snuck into the kitchen and put a liquid that causes food poisoning for 3 days, and she has been vomiting all morning. It was still early so I ran to tell Bart.

I found him alone ordering a coffee from the cafe in the lobby. I ran up to introduce myself.

“Hey Mr. Bordelon, my name is Samantha Hackett, I’m really good friends with all the boys, Mahogany has woken up very sick this morning and asked if I could fill in for her, I know all the controls and how every thing works” I said as sweetly as possible.

“Oh my gosh is she okay? I guess you can fill in for her, but you must do it right, I’ll go tell the boys that we need to leave earlier so you can practice” He said as he grabbed his coffee and headed off. Yes! Plan in motion! I grabbed my stuff and waited for the others.

Jamie’s P.O.V *

Mahogany woke up vomiting, and we have to leave early so her replacement can learn the ropes. I hope she will be okay. I got dressed and did my hair and make up and we all headed down stairs. I almost fell over when I saw Nash and Sam sitting down with Bart. No one said anything and we quickly hopped in the hummer and headed to the venue.

“Okay, every one your good friend Sam here, will be Mahogany’s replacement for the day” he said as he ushered the first performance on. Every one looked shocked, especially Nash, but no one was game to say anything. “Oh and by the way I would like to welcome Jasmine Swenson to the Magcon family, she will start participating at the next Magcon in a few weeks” finished off Bart. I screamed really loud and tackled her. This was great! Jasmine and I have become really close and now she can be apart of Magcon! 

Throughout the day I have been keeping an eye on Sam. She was doing Mahogany’s job really well and hasn’t done anything weird or bad. Every now and again she would catch me staring at her and would give me a small genuine smile. Maybe she wasn’t crazy? Maybe I did jump to conclusions? I pushed those thoughts away and focused on my performances. 

After Magcon *

Today was great! Every one was really energetic and pumped. Tomorrow is our last day of the Magcon tour, and it is going to go off with a bang! Jasmine will be joining in and doing her own songs and will be introduced to the audience. Most fans will know her, as Cam announced that she was his girlfriend a few days ago. She had gotten some hate, which was expected, but she had gotten a lot of support, and has gained a heap of fans. 

I got back to my room to and have a shower and get all dolled up. Since tomorrow is our last Magcon, and we leave the next morning, we thought we would all have one big celebration for how amazing the whole tour has been. I mean sure, we have had our ups and downs, but overall this has been the best experience of my life, and have made some true friends that I will never ever forget! 

I put on my Desaree black cross back lace detailed puffball minidress (Missguided.com) I do my hair into a messy high pony tail leaving it in a natural wave. I put on my foundation, Mascara, blush, eyeshadow, and lipgloss, and my black wedges. I looked great, if I don’t say myself! I headed down to the lobby to meet every one else. I arrive and giggle as Matts jaw basically hits the ground.

A rough start - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now