A rough start //Matthew Espinosa

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INTRO: Jamie has grown up in Indiana her whole life along side her best friend Taylor Caniff. Yes THE Taylor Caniff. When Jamie's mum gets a new job in Orlando Florida, how will she get along with one of Taylor's good friends, Matthew Espinosa. Will they hate each other? Will they love each other? Or will they simply not even notice each other? Read along to find out.


Jamie's POV *

Today was the day! I was finally moving to Orlando for my mums new job. She was a very busy woman and was not home very often, due to her occupation as a lawyer. This meant lots of business trips and a LOT of being by myself. Luckily I always had my best friend Taylor who lived next door. We were inseparable and hung out 24-7. When he found out I was moving we both cried for ages. He was very famous on this app called vine and had a lot of screaming fans where ever we went, but it didn't really bother me. We had spent all of yesterday together going around town and visiting my favorite places, such as Fruity Ice, the yogurt shop, and Ice Land, the ice skating rink. Yesterday was great, but it was over and today was the day I had to leave my home town behind and head off to Orlando. I knew no one there and was probably going to be the loner new girl. Taylor told me he had a good friend there named Matthew Espinosa, I have heard of him through vine, but I don't think we would really be friends, he seems like a popular jock, and I was the complete opposite. He might be nice though, but probably not. I sighed and gave Taylor the biggest hug ever I really was going to miss my goofy best friend.

" I am really going to miss you Taylor" I said to him as tears welled up in my eyes.

" I know but we will be fine, we will call, text, and face time every night and I will come up and visit as much as possible, and plus you will have Matt" He said through tears.

I closed my eyes and hugged him tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder.

" Come on Jamie, its time to go now" My mum said walking over to give Taylor a hug good bye.

Once we finished saying our goodbyes, we hopped into the car and headed for our extremely long drive to Orlando.

Skipping car trip*

We had finally arrived at our new house. It was really nice and really big and my room had its own balcony. "Yes" I thought to myself as I ran up to unpack.

(A/N hi everyone this is my story please leave comments and vote and like, Thank you so much for ready and I really hope you like it xoxox)

A rough start - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now