He is a hero

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* Jamie’s P.O.V *

Taylor got taken away in an ambulance, as did Nash and I, except Taylor got taken away in a different one, and he was in a big plastic bag. As Nash and I were put into our ambulances we took one last look at the crying faces of our distraught friends. Nash and I weren’t hurt but we couldn’t speak, we had just witnessed our best friend die, and we were so shocked and traumatized.

Matt’s P.O.V *

We have been at the hospital for 3 hours and no one has heard about Nash and Jamie. The doctors told us within the first hour of us being here that Taylor has succumbed to his wounds and has passed on. Every one immediately broke down. I cannot believe he was shot, and I can’t believe Sam would go that far. We were told little, but we did know that Sam shot Taylor, she was arrested, and Nash and Jamie saw every thing and weren’t in a good mental state. I can’t believe my beautiful baby had to watch her best friend since she was really little die in her arms. I know she will be affected the most they had a special kind of friendship, they were the best of friends I have ever seen, and loosing him would be like her loosing her other half. She is strong and will try to battle her emotions but she will not win, and she needs me to help her. The doctors wont let us seen her and Nash and haven’t told us any thing. I am so worried and I need my precious baby.

We waited another hour until Nash finally came out. His eyes were extremely puffy and he was a bit twitchy and uneasy, which is completely reasonable after what he had just witnessed. He didn’t say any thing he just stood in front of us and began to cry. Cam went over and gave him a big hug. He finally calmed down and began to talk.

“I’m sorry. I-I-I couldn’t save him. I couldn’t” he broke out crying again. 

“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t Jamie’s fault. You two couldn’t have done anything about it” said Jasmine reassuringly. He gave her a warm smile.

“He is a hero” said Nash 

“Yeah, we know” we all said

“No, you don’t understand, he is a hero. Sam was trying to shoot Jamie and he stood in front and took a bullet for her” 

We all gasped Taylor Caniff, a crazy, immature, bandana loving, freak of nature, saved the love of my life. If it wasn’t for him, Jamie would be dead. Taylor gave her the ultimate sacrifice and I could never repay him for that amazing act of bravery. He is my hero, and many others.

Jamie’s P.O.V *

I woke up at the hospital in a hospital bed. I was confused at first, then I remembered the events of tonight. My best friend, took a bullet for me. I lost my best friend tonight and I don’t think I will ever be able to recover. He has been my best friend since we were 3 and ever since we have been inseparable. Taylor Caniff died a hero, and will forever be remembered.

I realized I was alone and I really couldn’t be alone right now, or my thoughts would eat me alive. I buzzed for the nurses and asked them to bring Nash in for me, and within minutes he arrived. He ran over and gave me a big hug and we cried.

“We will be okay, eventually” he whispered into my hair. I hugged him tighter and we cried harder. After a good 15 minutes of hugging and sobbing we pulled apart.

“Do you want to go see the others?” he asked hopefully. I nodded and we walked out. I couldn’t care less that I look like a giant mess, because I was a mess. I really needed Matt, I needed him to hug me, kiss me, and tell me every thing was going to be okay, even if it wasn’t. Nash and I walked hand in hand down the hall until we reached the others. They looked over at me and Matt sprinted over and immersed me in a hug. I began crying for the millionth time tonight. Matt hugged me tighter and calmed me down. We pulled apart and I gave every one else a hug. The doctors came out and told us that we were allowed to leave, but we would more than likely have to talk to the police tomorrow. We grabbed our stuff and began walking out, when I saw Mrs. Caniff walk out of a room balling her eyes out. She immediately saw me and ran over and gave me a hug.

“Taylor loved you Jamie, and I want you to know none of this was your fault and Taylor would be miserable if he thought you blamed yourself for this” she said through tears.

“I know, I loved him too. Your son is a hero Mrs. Caniff and you should be proud you raised such a wonderful man” I said back and she cried a little harder. Every thing I said was true though, Taylor is a hero and will be remembered as the extraordinary man he was.

(A/N Hi every one! The story is not over yet, so expect to see a few more chapters over the next few days! I hope you are enjoying the story! Please vote, and comment - <3 Taylah)

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