Prologue 1: A Plan Ticket to Japan

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I stood nervously in the line at Gate 17. I looked down at my dirty combat boots and frayed rippled jeans. I had went through hell to get to where I am and with one word it would all be in vain. I tugged at my Ataris t-shirt which was covered in dried mud. The thunderstorm outside showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. I glanced at my forged tickets as I pushed myself into the middle of a rather large talkative family. Hopefully, the woman at the desk wouldn't notice me or Ciro. I didn't have to worry about Kenyo, but it didn't bring much consolation. Finally, my 'family' and I reached the gate everyone handed in their tickets as I tried to make myself look small. Ciro quickly followed my lead, she was still pretty new to the whole 'being seen' thing.

To my utter relief no one noticed me and I quickly boarded before that changed. I kept fidgeting in my seat to the point where Ciro bent over and whispered, "You can calm down, can't you?".

"No," I whispered back, "We came all the way across the country and they were one step behind us the whole way. They can come through those doors any minuet and make all our efforts in vain by dragging us back to that suckish life. I won't feel safe until we're out of American air space or at least off the ground.". Ciro finally understood my concern as my warnings seeped in. It wasn't over. Those months of traveling. All the rides we hitched and all the people we had to pay, it could very well be in vain if the people we had been running from came through those doors. Those stupid orphanage people, they know nothing about me. I hate them. I hate everyone right now. Well, everyone with the exception of Kenyo and Ciro. I took a good look at Ciro. She had short strait black hair, pale skin, and the most noticeable thing, which had gotten us quiet a few stares, was her pale red eyes. I'm glade I could 'turn off' mine, it would to much if we both had full time red eyes. Ciro wore a pair of black jean, ripped like mine. She also had beat up black leather boots, and a destroyed Paramore shirt.

Then I turned my attention to Kenyo. The shinigami stood silently in the aisle as people just passed through him. He had bright red eyes, large black bat wings, and he had bandages all over him, but not so much that he appeared to be a mummy. More like battle scar bandages. He also had lots of marks that suggested bruises and such. He had normal skin, but it was mostly gray and purple. He also had weird horn like things on his head that twisted in away the resembled an old, dull, gray crown. I sighed as leaned back into my seat. I had been through so much, no, we had been through so much. We all had pushed each other to keep going, to keep fighting. We all wanted this more than anything, and I would fight till my last breath for them. I hoped they knew, and I hoped that they felt the same way.

With a jolt, the plane started to move slowly through the maze of runways. Even though we were moving, we could still be stopped. I rarely ever prayed. I had mostly abandoned God or for that matter faith. I knew it was real, but I didn't really support anyone, but today was different, today I needed this to work. So to myself a and only to myself, I prayed a silent prayer.

"Dear God,

I know I never talk to you. I know I've done awful things, and I honestly don't deserve your help, but I beg that you let this plan work. Please bring us safely to Japan. Ciro and Kenyo don't deserve to go back, and we've all worked so hard to get here. Please. Please. Please let this plane take off and fly far away from this life. Please, please, please. Don't let me fail again.

Amen.". By the time my prayer was done we had reached the runway. I passed some gum to Ciro and I began to chew some myself. My stomach churned in knots. For a spilt second I recalled all my failed attempts to leave this wretched place. I wanted nothing more than for this plan to work. I felt the plane picking up speed as we went down the runway. I felt the tiniest tilt as the plane's nose started to point up towards the sky. I griped my chair as plane finally took off and was in the air. My ears popped after a few minuets and when I looked down out my window I saw the airport slowly disappearing into the gathering fog. Soon we were above the storm, safe.

For the first time in three mouths, I allowed myself to breath. I felt myself relax. Ciro and Kenyo took this as a cue that everything was ok and soon they were settling in for a long trip. I felt a light hand on my shoulder. I turned to face Ciro smiling and so was Kenyo, but he couldn't speak when I couldn't speak to him, so Ciro spoke for both of them, "Thank you. You did it. We're free. Finally free.". I smiled and sighed a sigh of relief. I nodded to their thank you and then curled up for a nap. Now that I was above the clouds I finally realized how late it was and it was a long trip to Japan. "Goodbye America." I murmured as I dozed off into a deep dreamless sleep.

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