Chapter 1: One Year Later

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It had been a year since I started working on the Kira Case. Most of my group was placid to what we were doing expect, of corse Sio. That little red haired bitch wouldn't shut up. She was always testing my authority to see if was 'worthy' of her time. The only thing that kept me going was Chase, and my promise to her and to myself. I would find Kira and kill him. One day I was walking down the street thinking about the resent FBI agent deaths when a group of people came and surrounded me, "We're members of the Task Force and we need you to come with us." The man who spoke was huge. Of corse, I resisted and I kneed the sucker right between the legs. As the first man was bent over in pain the other men leaped out to try and grab me, but I did a backflip and the men ended up in a huge pile. With that I spun around and ran into the alley ways.

I heard the men yelling and cursing as they tried to get up, but I was to far ahead. They would never find me. "Nice one." Came a voice. I stopped on a dime and turned toward the voice. There was a girl around 18. She had stick strait black hair and red eyes. Her skin was tan and she was wearing black combat boots, black shorts, and a black tank top. "Who are you?" I demanded. Though I already knew thanks to my shinigami eyes. Her name was Okami. "Just call me Phantom." The girl replied, "And who pray tell are you?" She asked.

"I'm..." I thought. For the past year, though many people knew of Scythe, they didn't know what she looked like since I never made deals, never started fights, and my face was always covered when I committed a crime. "I'm Sara." I lied.

Phantom nodded, "I see. Well anyway, Sara, what's a kid like you wandering these streets?".

"I live here. Well, around here with my gang." I explained. Phantom burst out laughing, "What's so funny?" I asked and I placed my hands on my hips.

"A kid like you, in a gang?" Phantom could barely answer because of her laughing, "What are in a poker gang or something?" More laughing.

I folded my arms, annoyed, "No. I hate poker and I run the gang and why I'm in a gang? The same reason everyone is a criminal; you got no other road to travel.".

"Really? How long were you in this 'gang'?" Phantom asked.

"That's none of your business. I'm in a gang. I'm a criminal. That's the end of it." I stated.

"Whatever. I'm really here cause I understand you're interested in apprehending Kira. What I want to know is why?".

"How the hell do you know that?" I cried.

"It doesn't matter now, what matters is why are you so interested in this case?" Phantom repeated.

"Because Kira kills criminals. I'm a criminal. So I want to stop him, he's kinda threatening my business." I lied. I couldn't explain Chase. That could be translated to a weakness which I couldn't afford right now. "Very well, anyway, I have information that may or may not be useful to you in your hunt for Kira." Phantom said.

"What's the catch?" I asked, suspiciously.

"No catch. Just info. It doesn't do me any good to keep to myself now does it?". Phantom was right on that. It couldn't hurt to have all the information I could get, "Fine, what is it?".

"It's this; Kira is closer than you think." And with that Phantom disappeared into the night.

"Well that was weird." I muttered. Then I placed my hands in my pockets and walked home. All that waiting at home for me was trouble. Sio just had to be in one of her 'moods' where she acts like a bitch. "And where the hell have you been?" She asked.

"Nowhere and mind your own business." I growled.

"Look I'm part of this crew and I wanna know what's going on." I was so close to slitting her neck.

"First, I never asked you to join. Second, I made it quite clear for everyone to stay away from my business; and third, I hate you." Anger was emanating off of both of us as we stood perfectly still with our eyes locked onto each other giving each other death glares.

"Calm down guys. You'll never catch Kira like that." Ciro always knew when to step in and what to say.

I sighed, "Fine, just," I paused and Sio looked at me expectingly, "just shut up. You give a headache.". Before Sio could respond I pushed her off her stool and she face planted into the ground. I laughed all the way back to my room, but it was a mean kinda evil laugh, but that's who Scythe was. Scythe was evil, mean, rude, and above all deadly. I had blood on my hands and I didn't care. It didn't matter anymore, they were dead and gone. So I went to bed that night and didn't think twice about my past. That's just how I was.

Okami's POV:

I watched Scythe walk away. She was different. That much I knew. I mean, she's an 11 year old girl working her ass off to find a random guy and go so far as to create a mob. I knew that I would have to watch her and closely. Once I couldn't see her anymore I started running along the rooftops. It was beautiful as the wind made my slick black fly. I loved to feel the wind against my face. It felt like I could fly up above all the worries of the world and be free. I jumped from roof to roof through the quiet night. Then...I jumped down to shitty house.

I lived in an abandoned shack. Well, it was really a small house, but I called it a shack, and it really wasn't that bad, it just reminded me of my suckish life. I walked in, "Sal? I'm home!". Then out came a lumbering Great Dane. She was white with black speckles and she had one blue eye and one green. Sal, my dog. She ran around me, yipping and whining with joy. "Hehe. Hey girl I missed you to. How was your day?". Sal looked at me with her head tilted and her tough flopping about. I chuckled and scratched Sal right behind until she fell to the ground panting with joy.

"Come on girl. Let's see if we have a food for you.". Sal jumped to feet. You can imagine that a full grown Great Dane jumping to her feet gives a loud, thud! I loved Sal. We went into the kitchen where I went digging through drawers until I found a bag of dog food I stol--I mean borrowed. "Here you go girl." I said as I poured Sal some food into her bowl and got her some fresh water. I loved her. She was always there when everyone else turned away. Back then...I looked off out the window. I sighed and bent down to pat Sal as she scarfed down her food and gulped up her water. "You're a good girl Sal.". Sal looked at me with her tough flopping out and then back to her dinner.

Then I went and made some soup or broth for me. I had some bread and a little bit of meat. My dinner. I had a somewhat good life compared to the one I left behind and that's all I needed yo know as Sal and I settled down for bed. Tomorrow I would go off and kill my next victim and then get paid. Yippee.

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