Prologue 2: Finally in Japan

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I was shaken awake by a very excited Ciro. I opened my eyes groggily, "Hmm, are we there yet?" I mumbled half asleep.

As my vision cleared I saw Ciro with the widest smile I've ever seen her wear, "Yes! We made it!" She cried. We quickly got off the plane a exited the airport. Here we were, in Tokyo. Finally. For the first time Kenyo spoke, "Good job kid." He said in a raspy voice. I smiled. I felt pride swell inside of me. I had brought them here. We were here because of my plan and of their corporation. We made it. We had made to safety. We soon learned that Tokyo was unfriendly to such young children without parents, but thankfully we were used to it. We tried everything. We needed a job and a place to stay. For the first few weeks we slept in allies, but we were happy because we were free. At first I just went by Maria, but I quickly decided I needed I needed a new name. After all, my real name was everywhere as well as my picture.

The first time I saw it was when walking down a crowed street. I heard Ciro gasp. I spun around, "What's wrong?" I asked urgently, but she didn't answer me. She was pointing to a large billboard. To my utter dismay, on the billboard was a picture of me, and Ciro and the big word "MISSING". "They're here too!?" Ciro cried in anger. I felt anger boil inside of me. "How dare they." I muttered, "How dare they. We got away fair and square. We finally get freedom and they have to come and try and take it away.". Suddenly, the streets seemed colder and even more unfriendly. I looked around and everyone I saw.

They could be from the orphanage or working for them to try and find us.

I suddenly realized that no matter where we went. No matter how far we ran or how hard, those people would follow us and never leave us alone. I knew what we had to do and I was not leaving Japan. I turned back to Ciro, "They'll be looking for us as we are. So we need a new identity.". Ciro took a minuet to register what I said then her eyes went wide, "You're right. I hate them. Why can't they just leave us alone?" Ciro's anger was apparent and well understood. Even Kenyo was furious even though he didn't say a word, his face showed it all. The pursed lips, the blazing eyes, he was pissed, and so was I.

I led my group into a small ally, "First, we need new looks." I said as I tugged at my long black hair.

Ciro nodded, "I'll do you and you do me.". We agreed that was best. We decided that I would go first. First, Ciro found a piece of broken glass and used it to cut my hair to shoulder length. Then we raided a store and stole bleach and two pairs of colored contact lenses. One pair was blue and the other pair was green. When we reached the ally again, Ciro quickly bleach my hair until every strand of hair was white blond and I placed in my blue contacts. When I looked into a puddle to see what I looked like I almost didn't recognize me, but there was no time for gawking at my appearance.

I did Ciro. First, I bleached her hair white blond like mine and then she place on her green contacts. We looked completely different. "Now you to need names." Kenyo spoke in his same old raspy voice.

"I'll be Clarissa Murphy from now on." Ciro said.

Kenyo and 'Clarissa' looked at me, "From this day forward, my name is Luna Croft." I spoke with confidence and clarity. We smiled, but we weren't as happy and our happiness would only be diminished even more since we still couldn't find any work or shelter. Soon we were stealing just to get food and water.

One day after one our raids, we were returning to our ally when we heard a voice, "Impressive work there." It said. We spun around to see a tall woman with long bright red hair and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a black leather jacket, black leather boots, dark jeans, and a ripped t-shirt. She was flipping a knife. "If you want I could take your raw skills and turn it into something much more." The woman smirked.

"And you are?" I growled.

"Name's Chase. Of corse that's not my real name, but you know how it is." Chase spoke with that arrogant tone that said 'I'm better than everyone'. I hated it.

"So what's the offer?" I asked.

"Simple, you join up with me. You get the food and water, and in return I'll train you to be proper criminals. I'll teach everything I know about weapons and how to get a name on the streets. If of corse you get the supplies." Chase was smiling, "Deal?" She asked as she held out her hand.

I looked back at Ciro and Kenyo. I sighed, we needed to know. This was a big truth for a seven year old to face and understand, but thankfully, I was always good at that. This was the only path left for us. The path of crime. We couldn't get any honest work and with people hunting us, we needed a good cover up that would get people of our trail. This was the only option and who knew when or if we would get a better offer. I stared Chase strait in the eye and grabbed her hand firmly, "Fine, but if you backstab us you're is big trouble." I spat.

Chase smiled, "Alrighty then. Let's go back to my little headquarters." And she slowly walked off as me, Ciro, and Kenyo followed behind. We now lived in an abandoned shack in the middle of shitville. In what would be the basement was a giant three screen computer. There were also some hallways leading off to the sides where the rooms would be. "Nice computer, ey?" Chase asked, "This joint used to be owned by a scientist. So when he left I got his stuff. Come on I'll show your rooms.".

Ciro and I would be sharing a room down the hall from Chase's. There was a small bunk bed and each bed had it's own tiny set of drawers. As well as two separate normal sized drawers. As my group of three unpacked we began to realize what had happened. The life we had hoped for was completely gone, but we weren't sure if we cared or if we even wanted that life at all. Either which way, we were here now, and there was no turning back.

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