Chapter 6: Confession

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Hey guys! I'm kinda surprised how this is my first authors note, but whatever. I'm only here to say that I will not be deleting or continuing Scythe, Synth, and Cinder. I may change my mind in continuing it later, but at the moment I have no drive to keep writing it. So I will be mostly focusing on this book, but I'll tell you all now, I won't update as fast. It's for the best. So it may be a little while between updates, but that doesn't mean I've stopped updating. So don't worry. Anyway, back to the story!


Jade's POV:

It was a day after my talk with Watari. I sat in a leather office chair just spinning in circles and to be honest, I was a mess. I was wearing gray sweat pants, a loose fitting sweater, and a pair of sneakers. My hair was a mess and I had barely slept. I couldn't stop think about what L had said. What Watari had said. What I had thought. Did I love L? Or did I just think I did? I couldn't tell. So there I sat, twirling in circles and twirling my hair. Just then my phone rang. I picked it up, "Hello?" I asked.

"J?" A voice answered. It was L, the last person I wanted to talk to. I let myself close up. There would be no mistakes. "Yes. What is it?" I asked, monotone like.

"You talked with Watari." L replied, picking up my que.

"Yes. I did." I wanted to slap myself. This conversation had no meaning. Just to antisocial people trying to avoid the problem at hand. Life. "Well, how was it?" L asked.

"It was lovely." I answered, sarcastically.

"Well, that's nice." I knew L was thinking the same thing I was. We sounded so stupid. Quick remarks with no meaning. No base. Just words we said to cover up what we really wanted to say. I hated these moments. Well, I had never had them prior to then since I've never felt what I felt now. We were quiet before I couldn't take it, "Alright. You called me for some reason. What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"I need to talk to you at that coffee place on Serial street." L replied.

"Very well. I'll meet you there in an hour." I agreed and the line went dead. I quickly flew to my room to change. No way in hell would I let L see me like this. I wanted to show him I wasn't affected. That even with all the confusion encircling us I was fine and moving on. So I changed into a Fall Out Boys t-shirt and some dark jeans. I also brushed my hair and teeth. After I looked myself over in the mirror. Only then did I realize how idiotic I was being. I was acting like a stupid generic teenager. Checking myself in the mirror, analyzing my flaws, trying to look good. Well, I didn't look all that great, but it wasn't hideous.

Even so, I stood there, making sure I looked fine. I concluded that, in the end, I was to nerdy, but that couldn't be helped. Also there was the part about me have next to no social skills, but neither did L so that wasn't a huge problem either. The real 'problem' I found with me was the way I looked. My dirty blonde hair which was always in a slick back ponytail, wasn't what was considered pretty. My pale skin was unnatural, even though Scythe was by far paler. Next my eyes, they were almost white they were so light.

I finally decided that it didn't matter what I looked like or acted like and I screamed at myself inside for caring about it in the beginning. Before I left a fed my pet. A fennec fox named Proxy. "Wish me luck girl." I said, gently stroking Proxy behind her ear. She looked up at me with a face that said, good luck. I chuckled. Proxy was very smart for a fox. That's probably why I picked her out. With that I flew through the door, jumped in my car and drove off to meet L.

When I reached our meeting place I realized how early I was so I sat down and ordered a cup of coffee and a bagel. "Hey." I turned around hoping to see L, but instead of him I saw Scythe.

"Oh hello." I replied.

"What are you doing here so early?" Scythe asked.

"Getting some coffee. What are you doing here so early?" I retorted.

Scythe shrugged, "Taking a break." Scythe sat down across from me.

"From what?" I asked, a little confused.

"Work." Scythe answered.

"If you can call killing people work." I mumbled.

"I heard that." Scythe sighed. She seemed so tried and just blah, for lack of a better word. "You ok, you seem exhausted?" I commented.

"Yeah. I am. I'm tried of work. It's a pain sometimes. Everyone expects you to be a cold hearted murderer and though I don't regret what I've done, I just sometimes need to get away from all the stress and expectations." Scythe explained.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry...I guess." I was awkward in trying to make people feel better, and Scythe understood that. I was pretty sure, she hardly had to comfort someone either. Scythe shrugged, "Eh...I'll live.". I glanced over Scythe's shoulder and I saw L leaning against the wall of the building. "Um...Scythe." I started.

Scythe turned around and seeing L turned to me, "I see you're busy. We'll talk later." With that Scythe got up and left. Once Scythe had left L took her place in the seat across from me. "Hello." L greeted me rather quietly. We both knew that by the time we left each other today a decision would be made. Whether it would be a yes or a no. "Hello L. How are you today?" I asked.

"Fine. You?" L replied. We were both trying to dodge the problem at hand. Neither of wanted to be the one to ask first. "I'm fin-Oh for heavens sake we're not the ones to dodge a serious problem." I broke the act and I could see L loosen up as well.

"Agreed." He replied in his famous monotone voice. "J." L started.

"Yes L?" I prompted.

"J. Have you accepted the fact that I'm not lying?" L asked.

"Well...I don't know." I answered. I was uncertain how I felt about this and I was uncertain how L felt. "J?" L looked at me, with that face that said, 'Yeah totally.'.

I sighed in defeat, "I admit to what you're saying is true.".

"And...what about you? How do you feel?" L asked even more awkward than usual.

"Even if I did say that I somewhat had feelings for you, how could we make it work with Kira on the loose?" I asked, skeptically.

"We've done crazier things J. This is a piece of cake." L assured me.

"Well true, and do you have to twist everything so it's related to your obsession with sweets?" I asked somewhat playfully.

L just kinda stared at me like he didn't know how to respond to the sudden pause in coldness, "Well...yes." L finally replied.

I smiled a little, "Well." I started.

"Well?" L asked.

I thought about to how respond, "Well, I may or may not have slight feelings for a man under the name of Ryuzaki.". L and I were silent for a long time neither of us knowing what to do or say. We had just admitted one of the biggest secrets we had ever had. Feelings. We didn't know how to react until finally L responded, "Now what?". I looked at him and I suddenly realized how beautiful his eyes were and how perfect his hair was. I looked down at myself quickly and realized how pitiful my appearance was compared to L's. I shook my head, snap out of it you idiot, I yelled at myself. I looked up at L, "I guess we go about our daily lives." I said, "Whatever that may entail." I added.

L nodded, "I guess, but before I go I have a question." L stated.

"You can ask it, but I may not answer it." I replied dismissively.

"What happens between us?" L asked. I sat forward thinking about this. Neither me nor L knew anything about this 'relationship' thing. We were just two ingenious detectives who had never found love worth our time. "Well, like you said, we've done crazier things in the past. I'm sure if we try, we can make this work." I tried to find the right words, but I couldn't rise above that stupid world of unguided hopefulness. Even so, I got my point across to L. He nodded before rising from his seat to leave, "I'll see you tomorrow." He said before walking off.

"Goodbye. L." I silently muttered to myself. I was now 'dating' the most famous detective in the world with a crazy killer on the loose. This was gonna be fun.

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