Chapter 7: Scythe

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I walked away from J letting her and L talk alone. I was quick to leave the busy streets for my preferred dark alleys. Only this time I paused and stopped, for the first time in my life I noticed just how quickly I left the main road. It was an action I did without thinking, but a significant one none the less. It was a small metaphor for my life, on how I easily I strayed from the main road, that road where others walked, the road where the sun shined. I didn't regret my decision, it was the only way to protect the only ones I cared about, but still, it didn't take much to per-sway me, but now, it would take the world to move me...wouldn't it?

What if? I thought. What if I had used my skills for something other than crime? What if I had chosen the path L and J did? What would I be like? What would my life be like? The questions ran through my head as I walked through the darkened pathways. The shadows seemed to reach forward to embrace me as I walked by. What if they mean to grab me instead? I thought. What if? What if? What if? My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden light snowfall. As the snowflakes danced down from the sky I smiled a little and let my worries and doubts slip away.

My attention was once again caught by the sight of a young woman walking through the alley. She had long black hair, gray eyes, and she was wearing all black leather clothes. My eyes read her name...Naomi Misora. Strange... I thought. It's odd for anyone to be this far into the paths. I slowly began to follow Naomi as she dragged her feet reluctantly. We ended up by a muddy river coast. I had never been this far and thus I didn't know the river's name. Naomi without hesitation began to walk into the water. "Ma'am?" I called out cautiously.

Naomi paused her slow advance and turned her head to see me. She said nothing but simply waited for me to continue, "Ma'am you don't seem dressed for swimming and even if you were this river doesn't seem like a suitable place." I pointed out.

"I'm not going for a swim." Naomi replied numbly.

"Then why are you-" I stopped myself as a certain thought sprung into my mind. "Ma'am are you trying" I couldn't quite find the words to finish.

Naomi, seemingly sensing my uncertainty, replied, "Yes. Kira...Kira killed my love..." Pain filled her eyes as she spoke. I could understand her depression, but suicide? It seemed a little extreme, even for someone like me. "Doesn't your decision seem a" I asked.

Naomi didn't reply, she simply turned out to face the open water. The rapids were dangerously strong and even the strongest of men wouldn't stand a chance against them. I sighed, I knew her mind was set, this was her time. "I will stay until the end, but I will not stop you. I hope you find your partner p on the other side." I said solemnly.

"Thank you." With that Naomi began her march into deeper water. Deep inside I silently hoped that she would change her mind and return to shore, but as she went deeper and deeper into the murky river I knew her tether to the shore was gone...destroyed by a single person. Similar to myself, torn from the anchor that kept me to the main road and left to drown. I watched as Naomi's legs were torn from under her, I watched as the water dragged her down violently and I watched as she was made helpless to the rapids. It wasn't long before her body was out of sight...she was dead...killed by Kira, innocent and killed. I turned around and walked away. However I couldn't help but notice that world had gone dull.


Hey guys! NA is back! Kinda...sorta...maybe. Well anyway, I know this chapter's short it was really only to focus on Miss Scythe and to help me get back in the swing of things. So yeah, the following chapters might also be a little short, just to help me get warmed get I suppose, but hey, we're back. I guess. So thanks for reading! Talk to you later!

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